Section 9: Dress Codes

All members will maintain an appropriate appearance whenever they are representing the organization.

All Western EMS members will be required to purchase a Class “B” uniform. The member has the responsibility of maintaining the uniform while it is in their possession.

Class "B" Uniform

The Class "B" uniform will consist of a grey polo style, short sleeve shirt and black or navy blue pants. Black shoes or boots are also to be worn. On the left breast, there will be a Star-of-Life with "Western EMS" written in block letters around it. On the right breast will be the member's name. This uniform will be worn on all regular duty shifts and by all special duty crews unless specified otherwise by the Captain. No patches or pins should be worn on the issued polo shirt.

The issued polo shirt should not be worn while off duty with Western EMS.

Members of Western EMS may elect to wear additional clothing while on duty with permission from the Captain. This includes, but not limited to sweatshirts, work shirts and hats. Additional clothing should be professional in nature and represent Western EMS in a positive fashion.

If a member elects to add any patches to additional clothing, they may do so in the following manner:

  1. The Western EMS patch should be sewn to the left sleeve, 2 inches below the shoulder.
  2. A reverse United States flag may be sewn to the right sleeve, 2 inches below the shoulder.
  3. If the member has obtained National Registry status, the current NREMT patch may be sewn below the American Flag on the right sleeve.


Western EMS provides jackets for members to use when they desire. These jackets are property of Western EMS and should be treated with care. Western EMS will be responsible for cleaning and minor repair of the jackets, however, when jackets are used, they will be checked out to the member. The member is then responsible for the jacket, including damage beyond normal wear and/or loss.

Photo ID

Western Illinois University will provide photo ID cards for members of Western EMS. These ID cards must be carried while working on duty for Western EMS.


Jumpsuits will be kept in the van at all times. They may be worn on all vehicle accidents and outside night calls if the Sr. EMT deems it necessary. Also, the jumpsuit can be worn whenever the member seeks additional protection.

Traffic Vests

Traffic vests will be kept in the van at all times. They must be worn on all vehicle accidents and outside night calls if the Sr. EMT deems it necessary rather then the jumpsuit.