Section 23.1: Approved 10-Codes
10-0 Caution
10-1 Unable to copy
10-2 Signal good
10-3 Stop transmitting
10-4 Acknowledgement
10-5 Relay
10-6 Busy unless urgent
10-7 Out of service
10-8 In service
10-9 Repeat
10-10 Fight in progress
10-11 Dog Case
10-12 Stand by
10-13 Weather/Road report
10-14 Prowler report
10-15 Civil disturbance
10-16 Domestic problem
10-17 Meet complainant
10-18 Quickly
10-19 Return to …
10-20 Location
10-21 Call by telephone
10-22 Disregard
10-23 Arrived at scene
10-24 Assignment complete
10-25 Report in person
10-26 Detaining subject, expedite
10-27 DL Check
10-28 Registration check
10-29 Want/Warrant check
10-30 Unnecessary use of radio
10-31 Crime in progress
10-32 Man with gun
10-34 Riot
10-35 Major crime alert
10-36 Correct Time
10-37 Suspicious vehicle
10-38 Stopping suspicious vehicle
10-39 Urgent, use lights/siren
10-40 Silent run
10-41 Start tour of duty
10-42 End tour of duty
10-43 Information
10-44 Permission to leave …
10-45 Animal carcass at …
10-46 Motorist assist
10-47 Emergency road repair at …
10-48 Traffic standard repair at …
10-49 Traffic light out at …
10-50 Traffic Crash (PD, PI, F)
10-51 Wrecker needed
10-52 Ambulance needed
10-53 Road blocked at ...
10-54 Livestock on highway
10-55 DUI
10-56 Intoxicated pedestrian
10-57 Hit & Run
10-58 Direct traffic
10-59 Convoy/escort
10-60 In the area
10-61 Clear for radio traffic
10-62 Reply to message
10-63 Make written copy
10-64 Message for delivery
10-65 Message assignment
10-66 Message cancellation
10-67 Clear for message
10-68 Dispatch information
10-69 Message received
10-70 Fire alarm
10-71 Nature of fire
10-72 Progress of fire
10-73 Smoke report
10-74 Negative
10-75 In contact with …
10-76 En route
10-77 ETA
10-78 Need assistance
10-79 Notify coroner
10-80 Chase in progress
10-81 Breathalyzer
10-82 Reserve lodging
10-83 Work school crossing
10-84 Advise ETA
10-85 Delayed due to …
10-86 Officer on duty
10-87 Pickup checks
10-88 Telephone number
10-89 Bomb threat
10-90 Bank alarm
10-91 Pickup prisoner
10-92 Improper parking
10-93 Blockade
10-94 Drag racing
10-95 Prisoner in custody
10-96 Mental subject
10-97 Signal test
10-98 Jail break
10-99 Wanted – Caution
10-100 Prior Record
- Section 1: Introduction
- Section 2: Conduct code, Rights and Responsibilities
- Section 3: Application Process
- Section 4: Training Sessions
- Section 5: Administrative Positions Hiring Procedure
- Section 6: Mid-Semester Reviews
- Section 7: Ranks and Positions
- Section 8: Talent Grants
- Section 9: Dress Code
- Section 10: Scheduling and Attendance
- Section 11: Cell Phone Use
- Section 12: Call Response
- Section 12.1: Crew Staffing
- Section 13: Off Campus
- Section 14: Equipment Purchasing
- Section 15: Use of Equipment
- Section 16: Liability Coverage
- Section 17: Alcohol, Substance Abuse and Smoking
- Section 18: Confidentiality
- Section 19: Complaints and Internal Conflicts
- Section 20: Service Recognition
- Section 21: Discipline and Conduct Code
- Section 22: On Call Rooms
- Section 23: Radio Communications
- Section 23.1: Approved 10-Codes
- Section 23.2: Approved Phonetic Alphabet
- Section 24: Communicable Disease and Exposure/Injury Care
- Section 25: Implementation of Policies and Procedures
- Section 26: Changes to the Policy and Procedure Manual
- Section 27: Meeting Attendance
- Section 28: Death of a Patient
- Section 29: Emergency Leave of Crew
- Section 30: Mass Casualty Incident or Multiple Victim Response
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