Section 3: Application Process for Western EMS Candidate

All candidates applying for membership in Western EMS must

  • Be in good academic standing
  • Not under any disciplinary action by the University
  • Have all certifications and licenses on file with the Captain and the Western EMS Advisor
  • Have two full semesters left on campus at the University

In order to ensure a minimum standard of care, all candidates must complete the following before becoming a full member in the organization.

  • Interested persons are referred to the Western EMS Advisor, EMS Captain, and the Executive Officer.
  • Potential candidates must complete and submit a TASC application to the Western EMS Advisor and the EMS Captain.
  • The EMS Captain will then review the application with the Executive Officer and Training Officer and then forward them to the Western EMS Advisor. The Western EMS advisor will then conduct a background investigation on each applicant. Applications are taken only once per semester in order to allow prospective candidates to complete the candidate process at the same time.
  • All potential candidates will schedule an interview time with the Western EMS Advisor, EMS Captain, Executive Officer, and Training Officer. All candidates will be informed within a 48-hour period of conclusion of all interviews whether they have been accepted into the organization or not.
  • The candidate will then receive a copy of the Policies and Procedures Manual and training schedule. The Candidate is then responsible to attend and successfully complete the First Responder and Basic Life Support Courses if required by the Training Officer.
  • Then, the candidate must complete a minimum of 36 hours (3 Shifts) of observation time with Western EMS crews before the end of the semester. One of these shifts must be on a Friday or Saturday, and one shift must be with the Captain, Executive Officer or Training Officer. During the observation time, the candidates will become familiar with members’ duties. Throughout the semester, the EMS officers will evaluate the candidates. The Senior EMT, Assistants, and Duty Lieutenants should report to the Training Officer with any problems encountered with the candidates.
  • The candidate must pass a final exam that covers the entire contents of the Policies and Procedures Manual.
  • If the candidate successfully meets all of the requirements, then their consideration for membership will be brought before the EMS officers for review.
  • Upon completion of all of the above, and approval from the Western EMS Advisor, the candidate will become a member of Western EMS, and will be granted rights and privileges as such.

If at any time a candidate exhibits behavior or judgment that the Western EMS Advisor or EMS Captain feels is not up to the standards required by Western EMS, then it is the Western EMS Advisor's responsibility to discontinue the process for that candidate. The candidate must then wait a minimum of one semester before reapplying to the organization.