Section 16: Liability Coverage
All Western EMS members are covered by the Good Samaritan Act. In addition, the University provides additional liability coverage.
Western EMS Coverage:
- The Western EMS Advisor will ensure that coverage is updated and current.
- Before special duty coverage is granted, liability coverage is verified
- If a problem arises, contact the Western EMS Advisor or the Captain
Training and CEUs:
- After the program has been approved, the Captain and Western EMS Advisor will verify coverage
- Any concerns are to be directed to the appropriate personnel
- All liability coverage must be ensured before advertisement of program
- Section 1: Introduction
- Section 2: Conduct code, Rights and Responsibilities
- Section 3: Application Process
- Section 4: Training Sessions
- Section 5: Administrative Positions Hiring Procedure
- Section 6: Mid-Semester Reviews
- Section 7: Ranks and Positions
- Section 8: Talent Grants
- Section 9: Dress Code
- Section 10: Scheduling and Attendance
- Section 11: Cell Phone Use
- Section 12: Call Response
- Section 12.1: Crew Staffing
- Section 13: Off Campus
- Section 14: Equipment Purchasing
- Section 15: Use of Equipment
- Section 16: Liability Coverage
- Section 17: Alcohol, Substance Abuse and Smoking
- Section 18: Confidentiality
- Section 19: Complaints and Internal Conflicts
- Section 20: Service Recognition
- Section 21: Discipline and Conduct Code
- Section 22: On Call Rooms
- Section 23: Radio Communications
- Section 23.1: Approved 10-Codes
- Section 23.2: Approved Phonetic Alphabet
- Section 24: Communicable Disease and Exposure/Injury Care
- Section 25: Implementation of Policies and Procedures
- Section 26: Changes to the Policy and Procedure Manual
- Section 27: Meeting Attendance
- Section 28: Death of a Patient
- Section 29: Emergency Leave of Crew
- Section 30: Mass Casualty Incident or Multiple Victim Response
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