Section 29: Emergency Leave of Crew

If at any time a Senior EMT needs to leave his/her assigned shift for purposes of illness, or other personal emergency including response for another emergency agency the EMT must assure the following:

  1. There is a member of equal or greater rank available on the premises to take over assigned duties.
    1. This person must be the rank of Senior EMT of First Lieutenant but shall not already be assigned a duty for the shift.
    2. Relief worker must make contact with the duty crew and be ready to respond to any call.
    3. This change of duty is documented on the “Change of Duty” form found in the office.

If at any time an assistant needs to leave his/her assigned shift for purposes of illness, or other personal emergency including response for another emergency agency the EMT must assure the following:

  1. There is at least one EMT and one assistant available for the duty crew.
    1. Relief worker must make contact with the duty crew and be ready to respond to any call.
    2. This change of duty is documented on the “Change of Duty” form found in the office.