Section 7: Ranks and Positions

Western EMS Advisor

  1. The Western EMS Advisor reports directly to the Director of Public Safety.
  2. The Western EMS Advisor serves as an advisor to Western EMS. The Western EMS Advisor has the authority to supersede or make revisions to standard operating procedures in situations where such action serves to benefit the service as a whole, or improves operational or administrative aspects.
  3. The Western EMS Advisor is responsible for approving and revoking membership in Western EMS.
  4. The Western EMS Advisor is responsible for conducting all background checks.
  5. The Western EMS Advisor is responsible for overseeing all non-medical related discipline. Medical discipline is to be handled by a higher medical authority.
  6. The Western EMS Advisor is responsible for overseeing the maintenance of all medical equipment.
  7. The Western EMS Advisor is responsible for acting as a liaison with the Office of Public Safety.
  8. The Western EMS Advisor is responsible for insuring the proper radio procedures are maintained.
  9. The Western EMS Advisor is responsible for insuring that radio dispatching is performed in a manner consistent with the policies of OPS.
  10. The Western EMS Advisor is responsible for overseeing the organization of the EMS office.

EMS Captain

  • The position of EMS Captain was created to aid in the efficient flow of communication between the Western EMS Advisor, Western EMS Officers, and other agencies.
  • This position will be up for appointment each semester or as needed. The appointment of this position follows the "Administrative Positions Hiring Procedure."
  • This position shall be designated as Captain and this person will wear silver Captain's bars.
  • This position is an administrative position only and is designated as a line officer.
  1. This person must be an EMT
  2. This person must have been with Western EMS for a minimum of two semesters
  1. Enforce all policies that the Western EMS Advisor and other related agencies create, and to pass the information through the correct chain of command.
  2. Balance the interests of Western EMS Officers and members with the interests of the Western EMS Advisor.
  3. Ensure that the Western EMS Officers and members are carrying out their duties as designated herein.
  4. Arrive at efficient and well thought out solutions regarding Western EMS administrative operations.
  5. Delegate praise and discipline to the Western EMS membership.
  6. Be responsible for communication between the Western EMS Advisor, Western EMS officers, members, and other agencies.
  7. Be responsible for keeping documentation of members and filling out member evaluations.
  8. Be responsible for teaching or delegating a teacher for the candidate class.
  9. Delegating tasks to the Special Projects Officer and other Western EMS Officers.

Acting Captain

  • This position was created to aid in the efficient transfer of command from the outgoing Captain to the Acting Captain. The Acting Captain is an administrative position only. The Active Captain is not a medical authority. The Acting Captain is to report directly to the Captain.
  • The Acting Captain is an individual who has been placed in the position by the Western EMS Advisor and Captain following the policy aforementioned in this manual.
  • This position will be up for appointment as needed.
  • This position shall be designated as Captain and this person shall wear gold Captain’s bars. This position is an administrative position and is to be considered as a line officer.
  1. Must be an EMT
  2. Must have been with Western EMS for a minimum of one semester.
  3. Must have a broad-based knowledge of the entire Western EMS program.
  4. Must display proficiency in patient care.
  5. Must be able to make important decisions.
  6. Must know when input is needed for decisions.
  7. Must know which personnel to notify in a given situation.
  1. The Acting Captain must assume the responsibilities of the Captain in his/her absence.
  2. Oversee all other line officers
  3. Will assume the duties of Executive Officer if one does not already exist.
  4. Will begin training with the Captain to ensure a complete transfer of command. This training shall be at a pace that will ensure complete transfer of command at the time the Captain resigns.

EMS Executive Officer

  • The EMS Executive Officer (XO) was created in order to ensure a smooth transition of command in the absence of the EMS Captain. The XO will have the final authority on administrative issues and will serve as a communication link in the absence of the Captain. The XO cannot institute any new policies in the absence of the Captain, but, instead, will enforce those that are already in place.
  • The XO will not necessarily fill the Captain’s position if he/she resigns, but will take over the Captain’s duties until the Western EMS Advisor finds a suitable replacement.
  • The position will be designated as a Lieutenant and this person will wear silver lieutenant’s bars. This position is an administrative position and is considered a line officer.
  1. Must be an EMT
  2. Must have been with Western EMS for a minimum of two semesters
  1. Assume all responsibilities of the Captain in his/her absence.
  2. Responsible for the vehicle.
  3. Must oversee the EMS Training Officer and EMS Special Duties Officer.
  4. Assign coverage for special events.
  5. Gather members’ availability for work schedule.
  6. Complete the work schedule in a timely manner.
  7. Must order all equipment after approval has been received from the Captain, Western EMS Advisor, and Director of OPS.
  8. Will take on additional duties assigned to him/her by the Captain.

Acting Executive Officer

  • This position was created to aid in the efficient transfer of command from the outgoing Executive Officer (XO) to the Acting Executive Officer. The Acting XO is an administrative position only. The Acting XO is to report directly to the XO in order to ensure the complete transfer of responsibilities by the time the XO leaves the position.
  • This position will be up for appointment as needed.
  • This position will be designated as a Lieutenant and this person will wear silver Lieutenant’s bars. This position is an administrative position and is considered a line officer.
  1. Must be an EMT
  2. Must have been with Western EMS for a minimum of one semester.
  1. The Acting XO must assume the responsibilities of the XO in his/her absence.
  2. Will begin training with the XO to ensure a complete transfer of command. This training shall be at a pace that will ensure complete transfer of command at the time the XO resigns.

Duty Lieutenant

  • This position was created to aid in the communication between the Captain, Western EMS Advisor, and the regular members. The Duty Lieutenant will only supervise the special detail or crew they are assigned. The Duty Lieutenant is neither a medical authority nor a medical position (except when responding to a call). The Duty Lieutenants report directly to the Captain.
  • The Duty Lieutenants do not exist to make decisions regarding patient care.
  • The Duty Lieutenants should only respond to a call when requested, either by OPS or the Duty Crew. This policy is designed to allow the Duty Crew room to operate in their normal capacity and to prevent "overcrowding" on calls with too many responders on scene.
  • This position will be up for appointment each semester or as needed. Appointments to this position will follow established hiring procedures.
  • This position will be designated as Lieutenant and this person will wear silver Lieutenant’s bars. This position is an administrative position and this person is considered a line officer.
  1. Must be an EMT.
  2. Must have been with Western EMS for a minimum of one semester.
  3. Must have a broad-based knowledge of the entire EMS system.
  4. Must display proficiency in patient care.
  5. Must know which support staff to call.
  1. Report for their shift before the regular members arrive.
  2. Report for duty in the proper uniform and neatly groomed.
  3. Maintain the proper logs and complete appropriate paperwork.
  4. Will carry out any orders prescribed to them by the XO, Captain, or Western EMS Advisor.
  5. Fill out Administrative Interaction Forms (AIF) for any member who does not follow written or verbal policy, codes, protocols, or directions.
  6. Make sure that the professional attitudes are maintained on their shift.
  7. Supply their crew with an informative briefing that should include, but not limited to, reading the minutes from the most recent officer’s meeting.
  8. Will carry a radio for the duration of the shift.
  9. Will stay in the primary or secondary coverage zone and able to respond to a call for service.
  10. Will not go on runs with their crew unless notified to do so by dispatch or by the Captain or requested by the Duty Crew.
  11. Must work for an ill member or a "no show" or a member relieved of their duties.
  12. Must be able to respond to the crew’s location or OPS if:
    1. A call involves multiple patients
    2. A call involves the death of a patient
    3. A conflict arises between members and/or the University staff
    4. A call has the potential to become a disaster situation
    5. The duty crew requests assistance
  13. Must notify the Captain in the event of:
    1. Patient care resulting in injury to the patient, a crewmember, OPS officers, University staff, and/or bystanders.
    2. Calls involving the death of a patient
    3. Calls of a sensitive nature that have the possibility of producing prolonged psychological distress for members
    4. Any calls that are not covered by protocols
  14. Will be required to work one LT shift per week and at least one weekend LT shift per month in addition to any other shifts required for other positions they may hold.

Reserve Lieutenants

  • These positions were created to ensure that there would be no uncovered Lieutenant shifts. The people that are reserve Lieutenants are to be used on an as needed basis. This means that the reserve Lieutenants will not have a set Lieutenant shift or have to work a weekend Lieutenant shift unless needed. However, there will be one reserve 2nd Lieutenant that will be required to work at least one weekend shift a month since his/her only duty will be as a reserve 2nd Lieutenant.
  • The reserve 1st Lieutenants will always be the Captain, Executive Officer, and Training Officer.
  • The reserve 2nd Lieutenants will always be the Special Projects Officer, Special Duties Officer, and then a member who is appointed after following the established hiring procedure for a regular 2nd Lieutenant position.

EMS Training Officer

  • The position of Training Officer was created to assist in the training of new personnel and to help maintain the proficiency of general members through continuing education.
  • The Training Officer must seek approval form the Captain prior to it being scheduled. This also includes CPR classes involving members and the general public.
  • This Position will be up for appointment as needed and hiring will follow established policies.
  • This position will be designated as a Lieutenant and this person will wear silver Lieutenant bars. This position is an administrative position and is considered to be a line officer.
  1. Must be an EMT
  2. Must have been with the organization for at least two semesters
  1. Must assess the training needs and goals of the organization as a whole.
  2. Must provide the Captain and the Western EMS Advisor with an outline covering intended continuing education topics.
  3. Will schedule all training activities at the request of the Captain or XO.
  4. Must maintain certificates and licenses of all members and notify them when refresher courses are needed.
  5. Will notify members of upcoming training activities.
  6. Must maintain all training equipment and take responsibility for the equipment.
  7. Will complete all CEU cards and return them to the members in a timely manner.
  8. Will hold an in-service on infection control each semester.

Acting Training Officer

  • This position was created to aid the efficient transfer of responsibilities from the outgoing Training Officer to the Acting Training Officer. The Acting Training Officer is an administrative position only. The Acting Training Officer is to report directly to the Training Officer in order to ensure the complete transfer of responsibilities by the time the Training Officer leaves the position.
  • This position will be up for appointment as needed
  • This position will be designated as a Lieutenant and this person will wear silver Lieutenants bars. This position is an administrative position and will be considered to be a line officer.
  1. Must be an EMT
  2. Must have been in the organization for at least one semester
  1. The Acting Training Officer must assume the responsibilities of the Training Officer in his/her absence.
  2. Will begin training with the Training Officer to ensure a complete transfer of command. This training shall be at a pace that will ensure complete transfer of command at the time the Training Officer resigns.

Special Projects Officer

  • This position was created to assist the Captain and to create a designated chairperson for the Activities and DUI Committees.
  • This position will be up for appointment as needed. The appointment will follow established hiring procedures.
  • This position will be designated, as Sergeant and this person will wear silver Sergeants stripes. This position is an administrative position and is not considered to be a line officer.
  1. Must be at least a First Responder
  2. Must have been with the organization for at least one semester
  1. Will report directly to the Captain to complete all task designated to them.
  2. Will serve as Chairman of the Activities Committee and provide the Captain with regular status reports and organize regular committee meetings.
  3. Will serve as Chairman of the DUI committee. This entails organizing all associated and meetings and providing the Captain with regular status reports.

Activities and DUI Committees

  1. The Special Projects Officer (SPO) is the sole Chairman of these committees.
  2. The SPO will be responsible to delegate specific duties to each committee member.
  3. There will only be five members including the SPO in any of the fore mentioned committees. Any member of Western EMS is able to join any of the fore mentioned committees. Committee members will have a chance of receiving a Talent Grant. If they already do not receive one, but will not be guaranteed to receive one.
  4. First semester there will only be an Activities committee. Second semester the Activities committee and the DUI committee will be the same committee.
  5. The Activities committee will be responsible to put together the Western EMS booth for the Activities fair each semester.
  6. The Activities committee will find different projects/activities for all organizational members to participate in. These projects/activities are to enable the members of Western EMS to come together in a social atmosphere and/or to benefit the Western Illinois University and local communities.
  7. The DUI committee is responsible for organizing and running the production of the Western EMS annual DUI scenario.

Special Duties Officer

  • This position was created to assist with keeping stats, inventory, and attendance as they pertain to Western EMS.
  • This position will be up for appointment as needed. The appointment will follow established hiring procedures.
  • This position will be designated as Sergeant. This position is an administrative position and is not considered to be a line officer.
  1. Must be at least a First Responder.
  2. Must have been with the organization for at least one semester.
  1. Will serve as the Western EMS office manager by maintaining all paperwork, stats, timecards, filing, assisting the XO with the monthly inventory check, and other duties assigned by the Captain.
  2. Will record the monthly stats and give a copy to both the Western EMS Advisor and the Captain.
  3. Will record attendance at all Western EMS meetings and inform the Captain of all absences.
  4. If a member is unable to attend a meeting they are to contact the Special Duties Officer (SDO) prior to the meeting.
  5. Will help the XO maintain inventory control over all Western EMS supplies and equipment. This includes the restocking of ordered equipment, submitting requests for new supplies and equipment, organizing the cabinets and supply areas, maintaining the supply/equipment usage form in the equipment closet, and submitting a monthly inventory report to the Captain.
  6. Will record all dropped and picked up shifts by all members and give the recordings to the Captain at the end of each month.

Senior EMT

  • Every duty crew will have one member designated as the Senior EMT.
  • The position of Senior EMT is an appointed position. Appointments to this position are made as the need arises. Unlike other positions that follow the prescribed “Administrative Hiring Procedures”, the Senior EMT positions are filled after the person has passes a test on the Western EMS BLS Protocols Manual, and a test in which they completely write out their procedures in a given situation. If the person passes both of these tests, then they can be considered for appointment to the Senior EMT position, but first, they must also determine their proficiency in patient care in the presence of another EMT and receive final approval from the Captain, Executive Officer, Training Officer and Advisor.
  1. Must have received EMT licensure through the State of Illinois.
  2. Must have displayed the highest degree of quality involving patient care.
  3. Must have passed both the protocols and scenario tests.
  4. Must pass a series of practical scenarios if the Captain deems it necessary.
  5. Must be able to work one regular duty shift at least every other week unless excused by the Captain.
  1. Will check in with appropriate agencies.
  2. Will be held responsible for the crew’s actions and duties.
  3. Choose which equipment is taken on a call.
  4. Perform the primary and secondary assessments on the patient and may assign specific tasks to their assistants.
  5. Decide who is to drive the vehicle.
  6. Determine the appropriate choice of treatment.
  7. Will bring concerns up to the Duty Lieutenant at any time during the shift.
  8. Will refill the fuel in the vehicle when the tank reads 1/2 full.
  9. Will give the patient report to the ambulance crew.
  10. Oversee that they crew operates within established policies and procedures while on duty.
  11. Be responsible for refilling used equipment.
  12. Will complete the necessary paperwork following a call.
  13. Will bring bags in the building between November 1 and Marcher 30.
  14. Will notify the Duty Lieutenant of any problems during the shift.
  15. Will help in the training of new candidates while they are on a ride along.
  16. Will be required to work at least one Sr. EMT shift every other week and one weekend Sr. EMT shift per month in addition to any other shifts required by any other position they hold.


  1. Check the vehicle for damage.
  2. Record mileage for the shift.
  3. Will drive the vehicle if requested to do so.
  4. Will assess the patient’s vitals and will complete other medically related tasks assigned by the Senior EMT.
  5. Will record all information on the “Pre-Hospital Sheet” if requested to do so.
  6. Will check sleeping rooms for inventory and cleanliness.
  7. Will notify the Duty Lieutenants if any problems were encountered.
  8. Will help in the training of new candidates while they are on a ride along.
  9. Will be required to work at least one assistant shift every other week and one weekend assistant shift per month in addition to any other shifts required by any other position they may hold.