Section 12: Call Response

  1. A minimum of an EMT and a First Responder will respond to all calls. A maximum of one observer will be allowed to ride at any time with permission from Western EMS Advisor. A crew will consist of no more than four people.
  2. Whenever possible a crew will consist of at least two EMT’s
  3. The crew will respond to all calls requested.
  4. The crew is restricted from going above the fourth floor from the ground level when not on a call.
  5. The crew will be en route to the location within three minutes of dispatch time. En route means all members are in the vehicle and the run is being initiated. The only exception to this is if the crew is committed on a prior call.
  6. When responding to the call, it is the responsibility of the Senior EMT to determine whether it will be an “emergency” (lights) or “non-emergency” (no lights) run, based on information they received from dispatch. If the lights are being used, it will be the responsibility of the crew to report any misuses of the vehicle and its equipment. When responding to an emergency call, the first three positions, “rotating,” “flashing,” and “strobe” will be on. The use of the air horn is limited to the following:
    1. At intersections after the EMS vehicle has allowed other vehicles with the right of way to clear the intersection
    2. If a stop sign or stop light controls the intersection, the air horn will be sounded after the EMS vehicle has stopped and prior to moving into the intersection, yielded right of way, and cleared the intersection
    3. It will not be used in a manner in which it may startle other drivers
    4. It will not be sounded continuously while responding to a call
    It should be noted that blue emergency lights do not provide the authority to break any traffic laws.
    The vehicle will only be operated in a safe manner within legal limits and at a rate which ensures safe operation for the vehicle, passengers, other motorists and pedestrians.
    Any violations of this policy will be dealt with by the Director of OPS, the Western EMS Advisor, and the Captain, and if possible, the driver will be issued the appropriate traffic ticket.
  7. Any exposures to blood and/or body fluids should be reported to the Duty Lieutenant immediately. If exposed, the member should:
    1. Clean off as much of the fluid as possible using gloves, paper towels, and/or 4X4’s
    2. Remove the uniform as soon as is appropriate, have the uniform sent to the cleaners using drop off services at OPS
    3. Notify the Duty Lieutenant so that they may notify the SDO of the exposure
    4. Make sure that they have properly decontaminated themselves and must put on a clean uniform or jumpsuit.
  8. The Duty Lieutenant must be notified if:
    1. A call is encountered that is not covered by protocols
    2. Anytime a member is injured while on duty or a civilian is injured due to member negligence.
    3. A call results in damage to the Western EMS property or private property
    4. A patient died
    5. A natural disaster has occurred
    6. A member needs to be relieved of duty for whatever reason
    7. A member needs to discuss matters pertaining to Western EMS
    8. Disciplinary action is desired against the member
  9. The Captain and Executive Officer must be notified if:
    1. A member or civilian is injured due to member negligence.
    2. A call results in damage to property
    3. A patient dies
    4. A disaster is encountered
  10. The Western EMS Advisor must be notified if:
    1. A member or civilian is injured due to member negligence.
    2. A call results in damage to property
    3. A patient dies
  11. Seatbelts must be worn at all times by everyone in the vehicle.
  12. Traffic laws must be obeyed.