Section 4: Training Sessions for Western EMS Members
Throughout the semester, the EMS Training Officer will conduct training sessions to familiarize members in the following areas:
- Protocol changes
- Changes in license status
- Policy and procedure status
- Legal updates
- Liability issues
- Quality assurance
- OSHA standards and updates
- Paperwork refreshers
Some sessions will also have a practical element. These practical scenarios will help the members become re-oriented with their skills and practical test serve to update the member with new techniques and/or equipment. These elements can include:
- Equipment use
- Equipment maintenance
- Personal safety
- Radio procedures
- Patient assessment
- Patient interactions
- Paperwork completion
- Evidence preservation
All licensed EMTs and certified first responders will receive continuing education credit for all training.
In a given semester, there will only be 10 or 11 training sessions. 6 or 7 of the training sessions will be conducted during the Western EMS meetings and it is a requirement that all members attend. The other 4 or 5 sessions are not required, but highly recommended for all members to attend. These additional sessions will be held at various times throughout the semester, at the discretion of the Training Officer, and continuing education credit being earned by all that attends.
- Section 1: Introduction
- Section 2: Conduct code, Rights and Responsibilities
- Section 3: Application Process
- Section 4: Training Sessions
- Section 5: Administrative Positions Hiring Procedure
- Section 6: Mid-Semester Reviews
- Section 7: Ranks and Positions
- Section 8: Talent Grants
- Section 9: Dress Code
- Section 10: Scheduling and Attendance
- Section 11: Cell Phone Use
- Section 12: Call Response
- Section 12.1: Crew Staffing
- Section 13: Off Campus
- Section 14: Equipment Purchasing
- Section 15: Use of Equipment
- Section 16: Liability Coverage
- Section 17: Alcohol, Substance Abuse and Smoking
- Section 18: Confidentiality
- Section 19: Complaints and Internal Conflicts
- Section 20: Service Recognition
- Section 21: Discipline and Conduct Code
- Section 22: On Call Rooms
- Section 23: Radio Communications
- Section 23.1: Approved 10-Codes
- Section 23.2: Approved Phonetic Alphabet
- Section 24: Communicable Disease and Exposure/Injury Care
- Section 25: Implementation of Policies and Procedures
- Section 26: Changes to the Policy and Procedure Manual
- Section 27: Meeting Attendance
- Section 28: Death of a Patient
- Section 29: Emergency Leave of Crew
- Section 30: Mass Casualty Incident or Multiple Victim Response
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