Section 27: Meeting Attendance

Meeting attendance is a mandatory part of Western EMS. If a member fails to attend meetings then that member will not be fully informed of news within the organization.

  1. All members of Western EMS must attend a minimum of 2/3 of all regularly scheduled meetings.
  2. All officers will be required to attend a minimum of 2/3 of all the regularly scheduled officers meetings.
  3. The times for both of these meetings will be announced within the first two weeks of each semester.
  4. Attendance will be taken at each meeting and kept in a permanent file by the Executive Officer.
  5. Any variation from this policy may be entered as a written reprimand for that member.
  6. Special arrangements may be made with the Captain if this policy cannot be followed because of classes or other unforeseen reasons. It is the Captain’s decision as to whether or not the excuse is valid.
  7. If a member misses more then two meetings without contacting the Special Duty Officer, Executive Officer or Captain with a valid reason, an automatic written reprimand will be issued.
  8. If a member misses more then three meetings and has contacted the Special Duty Officer, Executive Officer or Captain but provided an invalid excuse, an automatic written reprimand will be issued.