Section 11: Use of Electronic Devices Policy

 This policy outlines the proper use of cellular phones and other devices, as well as proper internet behavior.

 Cellular phones are only permitted in public for business purposes. The following are examples of acceptable use of a personal cell phone in public:

    1. Contacting Medical Control
    2. Contacting the Office of Public Safety for business purposes
    3. Contacting the Captain, Executive Officer, or Advisor in case of emergency.

Any other use of a cellular phone in public may result in a written reprimand.

No other electronic devices, such as mp3 players, ipods, or other devices should be used in public while in WEMS uniform.

At no time may a member post any information relevant to Western Emergency Medical Services on any social networking website. The only statements permitted will refer to the fact that a member is working WEMS. Nothing further pertaining to the number, type, or severity of calls or any patient information will be posted. Any violation of this policy will result in disciplinary action.