Policies and Procedures Manual

Purple Star of Life Logo

Revised: March 9, 2015

Western Emergency Medical Services
1 University Circle
Macomb, IL 61455

Western EMS: (309) 298-2863
Office of Public Safety: (309) 298-1949

This manual is the operational source book of Western EMS. The policies and procedures within were first outlined in the summer of 1993, during the initial creation of Western EMS.
Changes may be made to this manual at any time by the Captain and Executive Officer, with the approval of the Western EMS Advisor and final approval from the Director of the Office of Public Safety.
Members are expected to be thoroughly familiar with the contents contained herein, and will be held to the standards of these policies. Before working any assigned shift, members must have agreed to the policies and procedures contained inside.
The policies within this manual are effective as of March 9, 2015.

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