students wearing WIU apparel

Brand Hub

Trademarks & Licensing

What is a trademark?

A trademark is a unique identification used to distinguish products and services from other organizations or competitors. It may be a symbol, a design, or a word. An officially registered trademark is protected by law ans restricts the use of the trademark to its owner. Trademarks also provide consumer protection, helping identify and promote legitimate products of the organization.

Licensing with WIU

University Marketing oversees, the trademark and licensing process at WIU. We are represented by the Collegiate Licensing Company (CLC) to handle and coordinate all requests for licensing. If you are interested in obtaining a license to produce WIU merchandise, you can contact CLC to get an application.

WIU’s licensing program has around 200 companies licensed to produce various products. We encourage new and exciting products to add to our assortment of licensed products and welcome you to contact us to answer any questions you may have or go directly to CLC's website to download an application.

We also offer a Community Connect License that is intended for small business owners.

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