Brand Guidelines

students playing a game of chess

Brand Hub



With research-backed insights, we developed a strategy to uncover the WIU brand. The following section outlines the base of our communication efforts.

With more than 100 years as a regional university, Western has a rich story to tell. The purpose of a brand story is to collect the overall feeling at the University, honoring the past and moving toward the future. It also brings together the established voice and tone, along with the other differentiating points for WIU. It’s meant to spark a connection between our core audiences who experience Western in different ways. Our ultimate goal is to evolve the University as one community to reach more students who share our Leatherneck values.The following section outlines the basis of our communication efforts.

Strategic Drivers

Strategic drivers help us take direction in brand strategy development. We pull consistent themes from our research.

Limitless Potential

WIU provides a place for success for anyone who dreams of getting an education. We realize not all students are given the tools they need to prepare for college, but we’re committed to helping them grow and change. Because of the practical and relevant experience they get here, our students’ opportunities extend well beyond the boundaries of Macomb, Quad Cities, and Illinois.

Resiliency in the Face of Adversity

Leathernecks tackle every battle with honor, courage, and commitment. At WIU, we channel that same Marine ethic—an unwavering fighting spirit—in our values. Whatever the next challenge or change we face, our community stands together. Guided by that Leatherneck loyalty, we’re committed to doing what it takes for our University to thrive.

The Power of Perspective

At WIU, we empower our students to expand their perspectives. We ask them to learn from their diverse campus community–meeting and accepting others who come from all walks of life. Embraced by that culture, our students feel understood by compassionate faculty and staff, making a lasting impact during their experience and into their future. When they leave, they’re well-prepared to overcome challenges and grow new ways of thinking.


Our positioning statement serves as the foundation of the strategy. It’s the concise, practical way to tell our core audiences what they will get from Western. It identifies what product or service we offer, what differentiates us, and what the ultimate outcome means for them.

For eager and determined students who want to create a more promising future for themselves, Western Illinois University provides a learner-centered approach to education that prepares students for success. Our encouraging and compassionate faculty, staff, and administration firmly believe in where our students’ potential will take them. With strength and determination, the Western community comes together to create a dynamic learning environment that fosters and encourages each student’s individual goals for their future. As a result, our students not only leave with a degree but with the confidence to take on the world, no matter where their passions take them.


We created three pillars, guided by the positioning statement, to shape our brand. Think of pillars as the support needed for the brand to stand tall. They should resonate as what the collective Western community thinks and feels. The pillars are a distilled version of what we want our audiences to know about our unique qualities.

Beliefs (Educational Opportunity)

A connected community.
WIU provides a place for success for anyone who dreams of getting an education. At Western, we believe that every student matters and we are committed to helping them grow. Through the lived experiences of our faculty and staff, we are able to connect and create unique learning opportunities for our students, enabling them to map their own future.

Academics (Excellence)

A valuable academic experience.
Our small class sizes allow us to create an active learning experience that is much more applicable in today’s world. Combined with that practical approach to learning, we also strive to remove any financial barriers our students may face. As a result, our students gain opportunities that extend well beyond the boundaries of Macomb, Quad Cities, and Illinois.

Student Experience (Social Responsibility & Personal Growth)

The power of perspective.
At WIU, we empower our students to expand their perspectives. We ask them to learn from their diverse campus community–meeting and accepting others who come from all walks of life. Embraced by that culture, our students feel understood by compassionate faculty and staff, making a lasting impact during their experience and into their future. When they leave, they’re well-prepared to overcome challenges and grow new ways of thinking.

Reasons to Believe

Reasons to believe—quick snippets of what makes our audience trust us as an institution. These can feel both practical and aspirational. These attributes should explain a difference from other schools and convey value to prospects. They also serve as proof points for the positioning statement and pillars. These further strengthen the brand’s base.

TA solid support system.
Our faculty and staff truly care about our students. They are personally invested in ensuring a quality experience for every student. They embrace them and teach them to succeed, both during their time at WIU and in their careers.

Diversity creates opportunities for growth.
The collective Western community grows by embracing the value of every individual on campus. We each bring our own unique backgrounds, talents, and dreams for the future. The diverse student body provides endless possibilities for growth when paired with caring and compassionate staff who work to promote what diverse ways of thinking can provide in an academic setting.

Strength in size.
Unlike many other public schools, students are far more than “just a number” at Western. Our community is small enough to create an individualized experience for each and every student, but also large enough to provide our students with boundless opportunities during their time here. When our students are ready to leave the walls of Western, those opportunities continue to extend. They tap into our vast alumni network that holds connections in every industry to start their careers, putting what they’ve learned into practice in the real world.

A community committed to success.
Leathernecks tackle every battle with honor, courage, and commitment. At WIU, we channel that same Marine ethic—an unwavering fighting spirit—in our values. Whatever the next challenge or change we face, our community stands together. Guided by that Leatherneck loyalty, we’re committed to doing what it takes for our University to thrive.

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