Brand Guidelines

Mascot Ray

Brand Hub



The purpose of the University Brand, Name, Licensing, and Trademark Policy is to enhance and protect Western Illinois University’s reputation by establishing and promoting correct and consistent use of the University’s Brand Hub, including visual identity and, specifically, WIU’s graphical marks across all forms of communication executed by any unit of the university, any registered student organization, or any independent contractor of the institution.


  • This policy governs the use of all Western Illinois University’s graphical marks by all employees of the University, its registered student organizations, and its independent contractors. The policy only authorizes uses consistent with its terms. It does not authorize other uses of university source identifiers, including all that are nonconforming or are made by persons who are not employees or representatives of the University or a registered student organization.
  • The policy governs the use of the University Name and Licensing, which specifically governs the use of university marks, logos, and symbols in items produced for sale or distribution either by units of the university or entities external to the University, and services offered by entities external to the university.
  • The Office of the President has assigned the responsibility to manage this policy to the assistant vice president for University Communications, Marketing, and Media Relations. The assistant vice president has delegated oversight to the University Brand Committee and day-to-day management to the University Communications and Marketing.


The following definitions apply to this policy:

  1. "Unit" means a college, department, center, institute, or other similar administrative unit.
  2. “Source identifier” means anything capable of conveying meaning that identifies the source of a good or service.
  3. “Visual identity” means source identifiers, color values, typography, imagery, and other visual elements included in the university Brand Hub.
  4. “Stylized wordmark” means a word or phrase presented in a specific, consistently used typeface that is used as an identifier of source.
  5. “Western Illinois University stylized wordmark” means a stylized wordmark used by the University to identify itself and is cataloged in the Brand Hub.
  6. “Western Illinois University logos” means the following. Full variations of all approved logos can be found in the Brand Hub.
  7. WIU logos
  8. “Western Illinois University colors” means the colors purple and gold. The precise values of these colors are specified in the Brand Hub.
  9. “Western Illinois University graphical marks” means the stylized wordmarks, logos, symbols, and colors that visually identify Western Illinois University. The term “Western Illinois University graphical marks” does not include the words “Western Illinois" themselves.
  10. “Third-party” means a person or entity external to the university.
  11. “Registered student organization” means a student organization at the university that has met all of the obligations outlined in the policy governing the creation of a student organization.
  12. “Communication” means information disseminated by any unit of the university, registered student organization, or independent contractor of the university utilizing any medium that can include graphical marks of the university in its presentation. Examples include all printed communication such as flyers, brochures, pamphlets, and posters; digital communication such as e-newsletters, PowerPoint presentations, websites, and apps; and short and long video communication.
  13. Definition. "Non-university endeavor" refers to any activity that is not part of or is unrelated to the fulfillment of the missions of the University.

Logos and Stylized Wordmarks

Western Illinois University Logos and Stylized Wordmarks
  1. Western Illinois University logos and stylized wordmarks are essential to the identity of Western Illinois University and, is required that all Western Illinois employees, recognized student groups, and university independent contractors comply with all elements of the University Brand Policy when using Western Illinois University graphical marks.
  2. It is the responsibility of all employees, student organizations, and independent contractors associated with Western Illinois University to ensure that they use WIU graphical marks in accordance with the Brand Hub. Each unit's leader is responsible for the activities of their unit. For instance, deans are responsible for their college's activities, while directors are accountable for their department's activities.
  3. All communications and items produced for sale or promotional distribution by units of the university must contain a WIU logo or stylized wordmark approved by University Communications and Marketing and as prescribed in the Brand Hub.
  4. Units of the university and recognized student organizations creating items for sale or promotional distribution must comply with all university licensing policies and procedures, including the use of an officially licensed vendor.
  5. No variations of Western Illinois University logos or stylized wordmarks may be used without prior written approval by the Assistant Vice President of Communications, Marketing, and Media Relations.
  6. Western Illinois University employees and registered student groups, when acting in fulfillment of WIU's mission are required to use a WIU logo or stylized wordmark for identification purposes when communicating formally on behalf of the university
Uses of Western Illinois University Marks by Third Parties
  1. University Communications and Marketing may authorize a third party’s use of a Western Illinois University graphical mark on condition that the authorization is in writing and the third party complies with 1) the requirements of the Brand Hub 2) the approved terms and conditions of use as outlined in university standard agreements, 3) Use of University Name, and 4) Licensing, if applicable. Under no circumstances may a third party use a Western Illinois University stylized wordmark or logo as an identifier of itself.
  2. University Communications and Marketing will maintain a record of all applications for the use of Western Illinois University's graphical marks and relevant approvals.
  3. The Office of the General Counsel is responsible for providing direction to university leadership regarding when to take legal action for unauthorized use of University of Iowa graphical marks.
Co-branding and Corporate Logos

University Communications and Marketing may approve co-branding a university logo with one or more third-party logos for a shared function or activity, such as:

  1. acknowledgments, sponsorships, and promotions (e.g., in advertising where the university is one of a number of sponsors or supporters of an activity);
  2. memberships (e.g., where the university is a member of a professional association); and
  3. approved collaborations or joint ventures between the university and another entity.
Alternative Graphical Marks
  1. The University Brand Committee may approve a logo or stylized wordmark that does not contain a Western Illinois University logo, stylized wordmark, or the university name. Examples of this may include but are not limited to:
    • Joint venture: where the university has entered into a legal joint venture agreement establishing a distinct or separate legal entity for which, by agreement of the parties, the agreement expressly approves creating a distinct corporate logo; and
      Controlled entity of the university: where the functions or activities of the entity are entirely separate from those of the university (i.e., it does not provide educational or research services, or does not provide services to the university) or where the use of a distinct brand would improve the capacity of the entity to market its product(s) or service(s) in a competitive market.
  2. When the university proposes to enter into a joint venture agreement requiring the creation of a distinct corporate logo, the need for a distinct logo must be approved by University Communications and Marketing on behalf of the University Brand Committee prior to entering into the joint venture agreement.

University Name Use

  1. Use of the University name for any purpose in any non-University endeavor not previously sanctioned by University Communications and Marketing is prohibited. Individuals or entities who contract with the University for goods or services are not permitted to imply an endorsement by the University of their goods or services by their contract with the University.
  2. University faculty or staff may, acting in their capacities as individuals, use the name of the University for self-identification purposes before the general public, with the following exceptions:
    • The University name may not be used by such University faculty or staff in any event, writing, broadcast, or other media presentation, advocating, or endorsing the sale of an item of commerce, be it product or service, where the University is represented as benefiting from, having an interest in, or advocating such sale. The University name may not be used by such University faculty or staff in any event, writing, broadcast, or other media presentation where both of the following apply: 1) the context is such that the average recipient of the presentation would reasonably believe that it was the University itself rather than merely the faculty or staff member that was advocating or endorsing the sale of an item of commerce, be it product or service, and 2) the University faculty or staff member has a financial interest, direct or indirect, in the product or service, or receives money or any valuable thing, any commission, percentage, discount or other payment, gift, bonus, tip, or gratuity, directly or indirectly, as a result of participating in the presentation.

Licensing and Trademarks

  • Western Illinois University prohibits the use of any of its wordmarks, trademarks, logos, and/or all symbols associated with Western Illinois University without express written approval. Any approved use is subject to the licensing provisions of this procedure. For purposes of this policy, this prohibition includes but is not necessarily limited to all registered marks to the University's name, abbreviations, symbols, emblems, logos, mascot, slogans, official insignia, uniforms, landmarks, still and moving images, or songs.
  • University Communications and Marketing shall regulate and protect the use of the University's wordmarks, trademarks, logos, and/or all symbols ("trademarks") associated with Western Illinois University, both on and off campus in conjunction with the university’s trademark licensing partner, CLC.
External Use of University Trademark
  • Only an officially licensed vendor shall produce merchandise, products, and/or items bearing the University's trademarks associated with Western Illinois University. All vendors who apply for a WIU trademark must be registered licensees through the University's trademark licensing partner, The Collegiate Licensing Company (CLC).
  • For-profit and non-resale items distributed to promote the institution must be produced by a licensed vendor. In addition, product concepts, artwork, logos, and word marks must be approved prior to production.
  • For more information on ordering licensed WIU products to promote your organization, department, or event or to become a licensed vendor, call 298-1993 or email Approval for the use of WIU trademarks will not be granted to vendors not licensed through CLC.
  • "Officially licensed vendors" and other University vendors may not always be the same. For a current list of officially licensed vendors, contact University Communications and Marketing or visit
  • Manufacturers, companies, and/or individuals ("entity"/"entities") creating merchandise, products, and/or items for sale or distribution may use University trademarks only after entering into a specific license agreement with the University, which then designates that entity as an officially licensed vendor. If interested in applying for a license, apply online at
  • Entities using any University trademark for advertising or promotional purposes in any format must first obtain written permission from the University Communications and Marketing. In most cases, a royalty or usage fee will be assessed. Permission is typically granted for a specific length of time; no open-ended approval will be granted. Acceptable appearance and usage criteria shall be applied.
  • The trademarks of the University will not be used in association with gambling, alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, "recreational" drugs, drug-related paraphernalia, or sexual references. The University reserves the right to prohibit other uses that it deems inappropriate or inconsistent with the image and mission of the University.
Internal Use of University Trademark
  • Departments of the University and student organizations desiring to create merchandise, products, and/or items, regardless of distribution means, which bear a University trademark must use an officially licensed vendor.
  • Information regarding University colleges and departments and student organizations can be found at
Legal Protection and Enforcement
  • The University has exclusive rights to its trademarks, which are governed by federal, state, and common laws. These laws require the University to control its trademarks to avoid misrepresentations of its relationship with a product or service. Without proper control, the University risks losing its exclusive rights. To maintain control, the University licenses others to use its trademarks and monitors their usage.
  • Merchandise, products, and/or items bearing University trademarks and produced without proper written University authorization may be considered counterfeit or infringing and subject to all available legal remedies, including, but not limited to, seizure of the merchandise, products, and/or items.
  • If you have questions, contact University Communications and Marketing at 309-298-1993 or email

Units are encouraged to seek the advice and counsel of the Office of Marketing and Communications with identity questions or concerns in the communication planning stages. Communications are defined here as all materials such as flyers, brochures, pamphlets, and posters; digital communication such as e-newsletters, PowerPoint presentations, websites, and apps; and short and long video communication etc. that are distributed to internal and external audiences.

Noncompliance and Violations

If violation or noncompliance with this policy is identified, units must work with University Communications and Marketing to bring communications into compliance with the policy, including redesign of print and/or electronic materials. Reprinting of materials will be at the violator's expense.

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