
Western Writing Program

The Writing Program at Western Illinois University is one part of a culture of writing that is shared by disciplines and departments across campus. Students take a variety of paths through their general education writing requirements. Some may begin as freshmen taking Introduction to Writing (ENG 100), then College Writing I (ENG 180). Others may start with ENG 180 then move into College Writing II (ENG 280), or wait until their sophomore year to take ENG 280. Still others come in with credit for ENG 180 and enroll in ENG 280 their first semester. (See placement information under Student Resources for more on which path is right for you.) 

At the same time, students completing their general education courses will find that writing is emphasized throughout the general education curriculum.

During their junior year, students take a Writing Instruction in the Disciplines (WID) course that builds on the foundation gained in the prior writing courses. Many majors will require you to take senior seminar or capstone courses that involve writing during your senior year.


Writing Program Director, Dr. Daniel Barclay
Phone: (309) 298-1103
Email: D-Barclay@wiu.edu