Testing out of ENG 180 or 280
I think I write just fine. Is there a way to get out of taking 180 and 280?
The department gives proficiency exams on the 2nd Tuesday of the fall and spring semesters (not offered over the summer). Both exams consist of assembling a portfolio and providing written responses to a series of questions on your submitted writing and writing process. You will be notified before the end of the free-drop period whether you have passed so that you can drop your composition class if you're enrolled in one.
You must follow the portfolio requirements (see below) and complete the Application for Proficiency Examination form (pdf) that must be emailed to the Writing Program Director, who will then send it to the Chairperson of the English Department to be signed, and then send it to the Registrar.
You may take only one English proficiency exam per semester, and you may not take a Proficiency Exam for a course you have already taken.
Portfolio Requirements for Testing Out of Eng 180 and Eng 280
What about the CLEP test?
The department accepts the College Composition and College Composition Modular exams only if you scored 50+ and provide 8-10 pages of your high school writing that show you have mastered the ENG 180 goals. This is the only way we can determine whether your writing skill is sufficient for 180 credit. Bring 8-10 pages of high-school papers and a letter to Simpkins 124. The letter should explain why you are bringing the papers and how to contact you (e-mail address and/or phone number). Original papers with the teacher's marks on them are preferred. You may also scan your papers and email them directly to the Writing Program Director at Writing-Program@wiu.edu. The Director of the Writing Program, will read this material to determine whether you should receive CLEP credit, and will contact you using the information you provide.
I got a 3 on my AP test. What do I do?
Students who earn a 4 or 5 on the English Language and Composition Advanced Placement exam earn ENG 180 credit. If you earned a 3, we will need to see additional samples of your writing to know how to place you. Bring 8-10 pages of high-school papers and a letter to Simpkins 124. The letter should explain why you are bringing the papers and how to contact you (e-mail address and/or phone number). Original papers with the teacher's marks on them are preferred. You may also scan your papers and email them, along with your letter, to the Writing Program at Writing-Program@wiu.edu. The Director of the Writing Program will read this material to determine whether you should receive AP credit, and will contact you using the information you provide.
I transferred here from another university. Will my writing class transfer?
All transfer requests should go through the Transfer Center (309-298-3120 or Transfer@wiu.edu).
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