Department of English Minors

The Undergraduate Catalog provides more details about each minor and the requirements, including a full list of courses offered by the department.

Creative Writing

Students pursuing a creative writing minor benefit from an approach that emphasizes both art and scholarship, with intensive workshop experience informed by the study of literature, film, and culture. Students have the opportunity to focus their craft on a genre of their choice (fiction, poetry, or nonfiction), exploring a variety of media for their art, while studying literature and theory through the diverse lenses of race, gender, class, ability, and culture. Students explore the tools, inspiration, and possibilities for their craft as they develop a broad understanding of genre and literature and experiment with different styles and forms.

Creative writing students benefit from practice and critique, working with a faculty who are deeply engaged as readers and artists, and who provide feedback and guidance informed by expertise in the field and a network of mentors and writers. Several of our creative writing students have gone on to MFA programs where they further develop their craft.

The Creative Writing Minor has a total of 17-18 hours.