How do I get into 100, 180, or 280 if the class is closed?
We are not able to over-enroll composition courses, and we are not able to keep a waiting list. If you would like to register for a class that is full, keep an eye on STARS—if an opening appears in the section you're interested in, register for it then. During the first week of the semester, ENG 280 courses with openings will require special permission to enroll. Please contact the Writing Program Director at 309-298-2136 or come to Simpkins 124.
But what if STARS tells me I have to register for 100, 180, or 280 before I register for any other course?
All students who place into English 100 and students who exceed a specified number of credit hours without taking 180 or 280 are "blocked" into the class. Postponing these classes can negatively affect your entire academic career; therefore, it is crucial that you take them in a timely manner. However, if there are no open sections available, we will lift your block so that you can register for other classes. Please contact the Writing Program Director at 309-298-2136 or come to Simpkins 124.
I want to drop my composition class but the computer won't let me. Help!
As explained above, some students are "blocked" into taking ENG 100, 180, or 280, which means that they must register for the course and cannot drop it from their schedule. However, unforeseen situations do arise. If you have a problem during the first two weeks of school—the "add/drop" period—come speak to the Director of the Writing Program, Dr. Daniel Barclay, in Simpkins 124 about your situation. If a problem arises later in the semester, ask your instructor to send Dr. Barclay an e-mail at saying that you have made a good-faith effort to pass the class (i.e., simply not attending will not suffice).
A note: We can lift your block, but you are responsible for the actual drop.
I've been dropped from my English 180 or 280 class, but I want to take it this semester? What happened?
Prior to the start of the semester, the Registrar notifies students who lack pre-requisites for a course that they will be dropped from the course. If you elected to place into ENG 100, you must earn ENG 100 credit before proceeding to ENG 180. To take English 280 you must have successfully passed English 180 and have taken a minimum of 24 semester hours. If you receive an email alert from the Registrar that you believe is in error, you must contact Dr. Daniel Barclay at within five business days in order to avoid being dropped from the course.
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