students playing basketball

Campus Recreation Policies

The Donald S. Spencer Recreation Center is for University students, employees of the University (who are members), and their guests. It serves as the central location of most recreational activities and some class programs. The building and its services are also available to those individuals and groups that have been invited or scheduled by the University and/or Campus Recreation. It is not a public facility. Area grade school and high school students are not considered guests of the University unless specifically invited or scheduled by the University and/or Campus Recreation. These students will not be permitted to use our facilities.

In order to provide a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone, we ask that all patrons adhere to the policies. Listed below is important information on various policies. Please do not hesistate to contact Campus Recreation if you have any questions.

ID Policy

Students and members must present their valid WIU student ID to enter the Rec Center at all times. This policy applies to Intramural sports and Special Event participants unless otherwise specified.

Any individual using a false ID or allowing someone else to use their ID to enter the Rec Center will be suspended from the Spencer SRC for a minimum of two weeks.

General Building Policies