University News

Annual WIU Technology Education Exhibit May 4

April 3, 2012

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MACOMB, IL – The 54th annual Western Illinois University Technology Education Exhibit will be held Friday, May 4 in Western Hall on WIU's Macomb campus.

The exhibit, sponsored by the WIU engineering technology department, will feature nearly 500 projects constructed by junior and senior high students in vocational-technical education classes from throughout Illinois.

"The annual exhibit is the longest running display of student projects in Illinois," said Ralph Dirksen, associate professor of engineering technology and general chair of the exhibit. "Area residents and the campus community should find the show very interesting. Highlighting the display will be some of the finest products constructed this academic year by students in technology education classes."

The public is invited to walk through a free showing from 8 a.m. – noon May 4. The exhibit will feature projects in the following divisions: furniture-making, metal-working, technical illustration, graphic arts, mechanical drafting, computer-aided design, wood-working, architectural drawing, metal machining and an open division. New events this year include a bridge-building and testing competition and an egg drop competition.

Project judging by teams of teachers and professionals in trades and specialty fields will take place Thursday night. Ribbons and plaques will be awarded to teachers, students and schools at the 11:45 a.m. Friday awards ceremony in Western Hall.

For more information and a list of rules, visit or call Dirksen at (309) 298-1091.

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