University News

WIU Provost Presents Program Review

February 26, 2015

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MACOMB, IL – As part of the Western Illinois University planning process, WIU Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Ken Hawkinson recently presented to faculty and staff an academic program review, which included recommended program eliminations, consolidations and reinvestments.

According to Hawkinson, the current fiscal situation facing the University necessitates that resources be directed to programs that have sufficient students to justify offering courses. In addition, the credibility of the University could be damaged if programs that are listed in the catalog are no longer offered, have no students, or have very low enrollment, he added. Hawkinson previously discussed the review process at a faculty assembly at the start of the 2014-15 academic year and in numerous town hall meetings and other gatherings throughout the fall semester.

"This process has been collaborative from the beginning. I've discussed program reviews with advisory boards, faculty governance, deans, department chairs and faculty," Hawkinson explained.

Review criteria and recommended changes to curriculum and programs can be found at

"Through the process, we have identified approximately 65 programs with enrollment levels potentially insufficient to meet enrollment thresholds in classes. Twenty-four programs have been recommended for elimination, and 17 programs will be under review. Nearly all the programs recommended for elimination are low enrolled minors or certificate programs. This is an opportunity to consolidate some of our programs and reinvest in those that boast high enrollment," Hawkinson added. "Students currently enrolled in the majors that have been identified for elimination and review will not be affected. They will be allowed to complete their degree program as there will be a gradual phase-out of those programs."

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