University Technology

Webinars & Events

Click on one of the  Register Now! links anywhere on this page to register for these webinars and training. We look forward to seeing you!   

*New Self-Guided Training* End of Semester Checklist

Dates & Times: Self-Guided Training
Location: via Western Online

Description: The End of Semester Checklist self-guided training module provides online and hybrid course instructors a step-by-step reference of items that must be finalized as they near the end of the semester. The module covers topics such as releasing final student grades, requesting cross-listing, preparing for next semester’s courses, providing a link to the course evaluation, and many more! This guided training is equivalent to an OTL webinar in terms of attendance. Instructors who complete the training module will receive a certificate and a webinar credit for retention. Participants can complete this short module at the pace that's right for them.

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*New Self-Guided Training* Copyright and Teaching Online @ WIU

Dates & Times:  Self-Guided Training
Location:  via Western Online

Description:The Copyright and Teaching Online self-guided training will provide instructors with information on how to follow copyright law when using materials in an online course. Participants will test their knowledge of the material covered to complete the module. This guided training is equivalent to an OTL webinar in terms of attendance. Instructors who complete the Copyright and Teaching Online module will receive a certificate and a webinar credit for retention. Participants can complete this short module at the pace that's right for them.

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Webinar: Teaching Online at WIU

Dates & Times:  January 3, 10-11 AM & January 13, 10-11 AM
Location:  via Zoom
Facilitator: Joan Nkansaa Nkansah

Description: This presentation is for anyone new to teaching online at Western and anyone who would like a refresher. We will explain what is required of faculty to begin teaching online at WIU. Specific topics will include Best Practices in Teaching Online (BPTO), Online Course Approval Process and Checklist, Accessible Syllabus Template, and WIU's Online Course Template.

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Webinar: Creating Quizzes and Exams in Western Online

Dates & Times:  January 6, 10-11 AM  &  January 15, 10-11 AM
Location:  via Zoom
Facilitator: Joan Nkansaa Nkansah

Description: During this webinar, participants will learn how to use the question library and create a quiz or exam. We will also cover how to connect quizzes to the grade book, setting release conditions, providing special access, releasing exam scores, and more.

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Webinar: Getting Started with Western Online

Dates & Times:  January 6, 2-3 PM  &  January 15, 9-10 AM
Location:  via Zoom
Facilitator: Dawn Sweet

Description: In this webinar we will take a look at the basics of Western Online including how to navigate the system, activate a course, set start and end dates, how to cross-list multiple sections of a course, post a syllabus, and how to create custom widgets and home pages. 

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Webinar: Start of Semester Checklist

Dates & Times:  January 7, 10-11 AM  &  January 13, 9-10 AM
Location:  via Zoom
Facilitator: Dawn Sweet

Description: Join us as we walk through a checklist that will prepare you to start your semester. A combination of presentation and hands-on demonstrations will guide participants through tasks like checking enrollments, managing dates and restrictions, updating class documents, preparing your welcome email, activating your course, and much more!

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Webinar: Using the Western Online Discussion Tool

Dates & Times:  January 8, 11 AM-12 PM  &  January 17, 11 AM-12 PM
Location:  via Zoom
Facilitator: Joan Nkansaa Nkansah

Description: The Western Online Discussions tool helps you organize discussion posts. This workshop will cover the difference between a forum and topic and how to create them, as well as how to set availability and locking options, linking to a grade item, and replying to discussion posts. 

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Webinar: Building your Course with the Western Online Content Tool

Dates & Times:  January 8, 2:30-3:30 PM  &  January 14, 11 AM-12 PM
Location:  via Zoom
Facilitator: Dawn Sweet

Description: The Western Online Content tool allows you to create learning modules that allow students to easily access all of the content in your course. D2L calls items put into a module Topics, which can include uploaded files from your computer, HTML pages you create within D2L, and links to external websites or other items in your course. In this workshop we will demonstrate how to set up and organize modules to include these items. 

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Webinar: Setting up Grades with the Western Online Grades Tool

Dates & Times:  January 9, 10-11AM  &  January 17 ,10 AM-11 AM
Location:  via Zoom
Facilitator: Dawn Sweet

Description: This webinar will focus on mastering the built-in grade book in Western Online. Faculty will learn how to create and edit grade items, reorder items, enter grades, create categories, and change grade book settings including the grading system to be used, the grade scheme to be used, and more. 

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Webinar: Creating Assignments with the Western Online Assignments Tool

Dates & Times:    January 10, 9-10AM  &  January 14, 2 PM-3 PM 
Location:    via Zoom
Facilitator: Dawn Sweet

Description: The Assignments tool is used to create assignments in which students can submit electronic files. Instructors can see users’ submission times, download Assignments folders to your computer, view submissions with the document viewer, associate Assignments folders to rubrics, and return submissions with grades and feedback.

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Registrants will receive a Google Calendar invitation containing the Zoom Meeting link.
Accept the workshop invitation if you plan to attend. 
Register at least 1 hour prior  to the workshop to ensure you receive the Zoom Meeting Link and session materials.
Please contact the webinar instructor or event sponsor in the workshop description with questions.

Registrants will be added to the OTL Webinar and Events Portal in Western Online
for tracking attendance and receipt of participation certificates. They will also receive an email providing an evaluation link,
and confirming their attendance and participation after the webinar or even has concluded.

Participants will be responsible for saving a copy of their emailed receipt of participation and certificates.