Minority Teachers of Illinois (MTI)

The Minority Teachers of Illinois (MTI) Scholarship Program is available to minority students enrolled in a teacher education program - visit ISAC to view a complete list of eligibility requirements. Please note that the number of scholarships made through this program, as well as the individual dollar amount awarded, are subject to sufficient annual appropriations by the Illinois General Assembly and the Governor.


MTI awards can be used for tuition, fees, room and board or commuter charges (but cannot exceed Cost of Attendance when combined with other aid) - eligible students may receive an award up to $5,000 per year.

Receipt of an award requires a one-year teaching commitment for each year the scholarship received. If teaching commitments are not fulfilled, award(s) will convert to an unsubsidized loan, which the student will be required to repay.


To apply, submit a Minority Teachers of Illinois (MTI) Scholarship Program Application, along with the corresponding Teacher Agreement/Promissory Note.

An application must be submitted for each academic year in order to apply for the MTI scholarship. For priority consideration, ISAC must receive your completed application on or before March 1 preceeding the academic year for which you are applying. Applications received after this date will be considered for the MTI Scholarship Program only if funding remains.

Awarding will take place late summer, and recipients will be sent a Notice of Eligibility Letter. In order to receive funds, please forward a copy of the Notice of Eligibility Letter to the WIU Financial Aid Office for awarding.