Important Information About Application/Examination Procedures at WIU

Go straight to the Civil Service Online Application

Please note: Preference is given to Illinois Residents

Application Evaluation

Completion of the application is the first step toward consideration for employment. A list of current classifications (and their starting salaries) used on campus is available to applicants. After completing the application and selecting the classification(s) in which you have an interest, please submit the application to the Human Resources Department. Once a complete application has been received, as well as all transcripts, certificates and/or professional licenses, or a copy of the DD214 (if applicable), you will be contacted to schedule an application evaluation. For college course work to be recognized, a transcript must be provided. You may attach a copy of your transcript to your application, or you may have the issuing institution send your transcript directly to the Human Resources Department. During the application evaluation your qualifications will be reviewed. If you meet the minimum required qualifications, an appointment for testing will be scheduled for a later date.

Out-of-State Applicants

Under the State Universities Civil Service System (SUCSS) rules, out-of-state applicants will only be admitted to examinations for classes requiring technical qualifications for which there is an inadequate supply of qualified applicants who are citizens of, or residents in, the State of Illinois, with the exception of candidates for positions within the professional (01), semi-professional (02), or managerial (03) occupational areas. For classes within these occupational areas, out-of-state residents may be admitted to examination and equally considered. When the citizenship or residency requirement is waived for positions in all other occupational areas, in-state candidates shall be listed on the register ahead of out-of-state candidates.

NOTE: for classes within the professional (01), semi-professional (02), or managerial (03) occupational areas, out-of-state residents must establish Illinois residency within 180 calendar days after any employment offer or final appointment.   

Individuals with Disabilities

Western Illinois University provides employment opportunities for qualified persons with disabilities. If you require special assistance, please contact Human Resources in advance.

Affirmative Action

Western Illinois University has a strong institutional commitment to diversity.  In that spirit, we are particularly interested in receiving applications from a broad spectrum of people, including, but not limited to, minorities, women, and individuals with disabilities. WIU has a non-discrimination policy that includes sex, race, color, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, religion, age, marital status, national origin, disability, genetic information and veteran status..


Civil Service examinations are administered by appointment only. Exams are typically administered on Tuesdays at 8:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. in Room 10, Sherman Hall. In some instances it may be necessary to conduct a mass testing in order to accommodate all interested applicants. Pencils, pens, scratch paper, calculators, and code books (when code books are applicable) are provided.

Personal Belongings

Please refrain from bringing personal belongings such as backpacks, briefcases, notebooks, folders, purses, waist pouches, etc. to the testing area. Should you bring personal belongings to the testing area, you will be asked that they be placed on the floor next to your desk. Personal belongings will not be allowed on desktops or in your lap.

No cell phones or electronic devices are to be brought into the testing area.   Any cell phones or electronic devices brought into the testing area will be put into a secure area by the Testing Monitor and returned after testing is complete. Consequences will ensue, up to and including dismissal from the testing area, for individuals caught with cell phones and/or electronic devices during the testing process.

Veterans Preference Points

To be eligible for the preference of three (3), five (5) or ten (10) points to be added to the passing score of an original entry examination, United States armed forces (or a reserve component) veterans must present the original or a legible photocopy of their DD214 member 4 military discharge. The Human Resources Department reserves the right to determine eligibility for these points according to Public Act 87-796. The applicant shall show proof of eligibility no later than ten (10) working days from the date of application for an examination.

Examination Scores/Rewrites

After testing and passing an examination, your name is placed on the appropriate employment register according to score with the higher ranking scores going to the top of the register. For any exam given on an open and continuous basis, you may rewrite the examination three times within one year, with at least a one-month time lapse between each rewrite. The highest score shall determine your placement on the register. A notice of your examination score will be e-mailed to you at the e-mail address indicated on your application. You may check your standing on the register at any time by contacting the Human Resources Department; but since examinations are given on an open and continuous basis, your place on the register may change from day to day. It is your responsibility to keep your application current by informing Human Resources if your home address, e-mail address, or phone number changes.

If you are placed on exam notification for a classification you will be notified by e-mail when we are testing for that specific classification. Once you have taken the test that was on exam notification, it is your responsibility to be asked to be placed back on exam notification.


When a vacancy occurs in a specific classification, the candidates with the three highest scores on the register will be contacted for an interview with the supervisor of the employing department. In the event of tie scores, all applicants with the same score will be contacted.

Register Removal

Under SUCSS rules, names on employment registers may be removed for various reasons including the following: 1) Failure to answer any communication from the Human Resources Department; 2) Failure to notify the Human Resources Department of a change of name and/or address; or 3) Failure to accept three offers of status employment in a specific classification; or 4) Exam score is at least two years old.

Visitor Parking

  • If you are planning to visit the WIU campus, please remember the following important parking tips.
  • If the vehicle that you are driving does not have a valid WIU parking permit, you should obtain a Visitors Permit at the Office of Public Safety, Mowbray Hall, located on Murray Street across from the University Union. Please be prepared to give the license plate number, year, make, and color of the vehicle.
  • If you are planning to visit the WIU campus for the purpose of taking Civil Service examinations and you do not have a valid WIU parking permit, you may secure one from the examination staff once you arrive in the examination area. To obtain a permit it will be necessary for you to provide the license plate number, year, make, and color of the vehicle.
  • Visitor parking permits for application evaluations may be obtained from the Office of Public Safety or Human Resources.
  • If you park at a meter, with or without a permit, please deposit the amount needed to cover your time there.
  • Disabled individuals utilizing handicapped spaces without a special state license plate or card must contact Parking Services or the Office of Public Safety with your vehicle information and location.
  • Visitors are responsible for paying tickets for meters, no parking zones, reserved spaces, etc. Should you receive a ticket, please stop at Parking Services, Mowbray Hall (across from the University Union on Murray Street), prior to leaving campus. Parking Services 309/298-1921; Office of Public Safety 309/298-1949

If you wish to schedule an application evaluation, examination, rewrite an examination, or have questions concerning your exam or how it was scored, please contact:

Human Resources Department
Western Illinois University
1 University Circle
Macomb, Illinois 61455
(309) 298-1971
FAX (309) 298-2300


Thank you for your interest in Western Illinois University as an employer!