Forms & Documents
Accommodation Forms
Civil Service
- Employment Transaction Request Form (aka Request to Fill) - All personnel changes need to be submitted through Interview Exchange. For help, please contact
- Employee of the Month Nominations
- Request for Employee Recognition Nominations
- MVS Menu Request and Authorization for Employee Display Screens
- Ethics Training for New Hires
- Employment Eligibility Verfication I-9 (may need to download file and open from local computer)
- Statement of SURS Annuitant Status
- Audit Procedure for Positions
Civil Service Leave Forms
- Work Status Form (Release from work/Return to work)
Employee Evaluation Forms
- Non-Probationary Civil Service Employees
- Administrative Employees
- Administrative Employees (Non-Dept Head)
Job Description Resources
Lump Sum Payments
Remote Work Forms
Sick Leave Bank Forms
Tuition and Room Waivers
To ensure timely processing, the application should be submitted by August 28th for the fall semester, by January 28th for the spring semester, and by June 28th for the summer semester. After the due date a finance charge of 1% of the account balance is added each month.
- 50% Tuition Waiver for Children of Public University Employee
- 50% Tuition Waiver for Children of University Retired Employees
- 50% Tuition Waiver for Children of Domestic Partner of Western Illinois University Employees
- Full Tuition Waiver for Spouse/Child of a Deceased University Employee
- Tuition Waiver (WIU) for Current Civil Service Employees
- Tuition Waiver (Interinstitutional) for Current Civil Service Employees
- Tuition Waiver for Retired WIU Employees
- Room Waiver (Double Room) for Children of WIU Employee
Tuition waivers for Faculty or Administrative Personnel should contact the provost office to apply for employee tuition benefits.
Tuition waivers will not be posted to your account balance until the 11th business day after the semester starts.
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