About Us

The Children's Literature Examination Center (CLEC) is a non-circulating professional collection of trade books for children and young adults ages preschool through grade 12. CLEC's collection includes picture books, poetry, folklore, informational books, biographies, novels, graphic novels, bilingual trade books, and unusual formats.

Children's and young adult literature touches all disciplines and CLEC users represent this diversity. CLEC was started to address concerns faced by educators, parents, librarians, and others who share a common concern: the need to keep up with new books in the field of children's and young adult literature. The books housed in CLEC reflect more than twenty two participating publishers. Large publishing houses are included as well as smaller, more specialized publishers.

The Children's Literature Examination Center is located in Horrabin Hall Room 80 and is administered by the School of Education, WIU College of Education and Human Services. CLEC hours are concurrent with departmental hours: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday or by appointment.