student holding a mouse

Psychology Faculty Research

Explore the Psychology research labs and opportunities available for students.

Addiction, Trauma, and Emotion Research

Primary interests in the Lab for Addiction, Trauma, and Emotion Research (LATER), involve the study of clinical topics such as mental illness and substance abuse. We research the effects of drugs, the mechanisms and symptoms of substance and psychological disorders, and interactions of mental health and substance use. General areas include:

  • Affect, psycholpathology, individual differences/personality
  • Drug effects, reasons for drug use
  • Attention and neurocognition
  • Mental Health and substance abuse
  • Clinical training and student learning

Student Involvement: Research involvement may include nearly all aspects of research such as managing SONA and organizing studies; reading and summarizing articles; collection, entry, and analysis of data; conference presentations; and journal writing.


  • Constructing and presenting computerized tasks with SuperLab (eg., Stroop)
  • Letters of recommendation for graduate school or employment
  • Coauthoring of presentations and articles
  • Experience with ongoing clinical research

Recent and Current Projects:

  • Clinical treatments and psychotherapy outcomes
  • Patterns of substance abuse, trauma, and mental health symptoms in college students
  • Assissing individual psychological and neurological differences in cigarette and caffeine use
  • Responses to trauma and victimization
Kristy Keefe
Kristy Keefe, Professor

Office: Waggoner Hall 155