Colin Harbke

Colin Harbke, Ph.D.



Dr. Harbke earned his bachelor’s degree in Psychology at the University of Alaska Anchorage and his masters and doctorate in Experimental Psychology at Washington State University. His first major research experience was working on an NIH-funded randomized clinical trial of needle exchange in Anchorage, Alaska.

Teaching Areas

Dr. Harbke specializes in research methods and quantitative analysis and greatly enjoys teaching classes in these areas. He teaches Psychology as a Science and Profession (Psy 200), Research in Psychology I: Statistical Methods and Design (Psy 223), and Research Methods in Psychology II: Research Methodology (Psy 323). Dr. Harbke also enjoys teaching content-based courses, such as Introduction to Psychology (Psy 100), Perception (Psy 344), and Cognitive Processes (Psy 456), whenever possible. Prior to transferring to the Quad Cities campus Dr. Harbke predominantly taught the following graduate-level research methodology and analytics courses: Techniques in Research and Program Evaluation (Psy 500), Advanced Psychological Statistics (Psy 501), Research Methods in Applied Settings (Psy 502), Current Research in Psychology Seminar (CRIPS; Psy 550), and Structural Equation Modeling for the Behavioral Sciences (Psy 551).

Research Interests

Dr. Harbke’s broad research interests and background includes a variety of different subjects in psychology, education, substance use, public health, and medicine. Some of the current projects he is working on include perceptions of and reactions toward public breastfeeding, verbal stranger harassment (e.g., catcalling), and impacts of social media use on wellbeing. Dr. Harbke especially enjoys working with students who are interested in completing their own research project and strives to help students’ to turn their own research ideas or questions into testable hypotheses and research projects.

Recent Student Scholarship and Related Activities:

Knack, A. A., & Harbke, C. R. (2021). The five-factor model of personality and problematic smartphone use. Modern Psychological Studies, 26(1).

Wiesbrock, S. N. (2021). Age differences with presentation on social media. Modern Psychological Studies, 6(2).

Lucke, H. R., Harbke, C. R., Mathes, E. W., & Hammersley, J. J. (2021). Higher emotional dysregulation is associated with coping motives in alcohol and marijuana use. Substance Use and Misuse, 56, 950-961.

Marshall, R. L., Harbke, C. R., & DiLalla, L. F. (2021). The role of remembered parenting on adult self-esteem: A monozygotic twin difference study. Behavior Genetics, 51(2), 125-136.

Nielsen, S. E., Harbke, C. R., & Herbstrith, J. C. (2020). Uncovering bi-as: Developing new measures of binegativity. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity. Advance online publication.

Additional recent scholarly activities on Research Gate