Spring 2019 News
Faculty/Staff News
- Barbara Lawhorn 10 years of continuous service to Western Illinois University as of September 30, 2019
- Penny Clause 20 years of continuous service to Western Illinois University as of September 30, 2019
- Marjorie Allison 25 years of continuous service to Western Illinois University as of September 30, 2019
- Pat Young 30 years of continuous service to Western Illinois University as of September 30, 2019
- Dr. Dan Malachuk wins the Centennial Honors College Award for Excellence in Mentoring
- Dr. Marjorie Allison wins Honors College Teaching Award; see photo
- Dr. Tim Helwig wins CAS Outstanding Faculty Award for Undergraduate Research; see photo
- Dr. Chris Morrow wins CAS Outstanding Faculty Award for Teaching; see photo
- Dr. Alisha White wins CAS Outstanding Faculty Award for Excellence in Multicultural Teaching; see photo
- Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Erika Wurth
- Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Roberta Di Carmine
Student News
- Sigma Tau Delta Induction Ceremony Spring 2019
- 2019 English Scholarship and Awards Night for Students
- Adam Norris was announced as the Honors Convocation speaker for the QC Honors Convocation ceremony
- Students Present Papers from English Courses for Undergraduate Research Day
- Thaddeus Fifer's Film Screening of "Evanescent" starring English Grad Student Dakota Carlson
- WIU Student to Screen Short Film 'Evanescent' April 30 (News Release)
- English Graduate Students Dakota Carlson, Tralynn Pullen, Kristin Sheppard, and Christivel Zulu go to the Iowa Writing Center Consortium with WIU Writing Center Director Dr. Chris Morrow
- English undergrad Jenna Brown's paper entitled "Can Fiction Represent History?: An Analysis of the United States From a Different View in History" won as First Place Paper on behalf of the Undergraduate Research Paper Award Committee and the entire WIU chapter of Phi Kappa Phi
- WIU English Students Present Research at Sigma Tau Delta Convention
- English Major Apryl Moore is the recipient of a "Norman & Carmelita Teeter Undergraduate Research Award" in recognition of her College of Arts and Sciences Undergraduate Research and Scholarly Activity project "The Sadomasochism and Meaning of Addie Bundren"
- Four English Undergraduates Win CAS Undergraduate Research & Scholarly Activity Grants: Emma Dayhoff's "Life Got in the Way," Kaylee Gundling's "Director's Cut [Abridged]," Apryl Moore's "The Sadomasochism and Meaning of Addie Bundren," and Desiree Steele's "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild"
- English Major - Kaylee Gundling - CAS Student Speaker Series; Read the News Release
Event News
- Claire Hartfield Talks About Book "A Few Red Drops: The Chicago Race Riot of 1919" at WI Museum
- Award-Winning Author to Talk About Race Riot Book in Macomb April 26 (News Release)
- WIU to Host Three Authors May 2 for Fred Ewing Case and Lola Austin Case Writers in Residence (News Release)
- Magliocco Lecturer, Koritha Mitchell, presents "Homemade Citizenship: All But Inviting Injury"
- Sigma Tau Delta Speaker Paul Fyfe Presents "From the Telegraph to the Internet: How Information Lost Its Body"
- Sigma Tau Delta Bake Sale Happened to Raise Money for their Convention in March
- Women's History Month Keynote Speaker: Linda Hogan
- 2019 Writing Festival for High School Students
- Dinner and Conversations with Dr. Alisha White - "Books That Inspire You to Action"
- Cleaning out the Loft for the Newly Remodeled Student Lounge and Sigma Tau Delta Office
- Student Organization Fair: Film Club Hands Out Oscars and Encouragement to Attend Screenings
Other News
- Summer 2019 Features
- Fall 2019 Course Descriptions Ready
- 2019 Western Challenge (photo 1, photo 2, photo 3, photo 4) Thank you to all who contributed, English raised $250
- Spring 2018 Courses
Spring 2019 Publications:
The Mirror and the Lamp (blog)
Mirror and the Lamp 2019 (pdf)
- 2018-2019 Awards and Announcements by: David Banash
- A Letter from the Chair by: David Banash
- Proust Questionnaire Ishimine Goins by: David Banash
- The Difference Between Reading Your Life & Writing It by: Adam Norris
- 2019 Sigma Tau Delta Conference in St. Louis by: Courtney Bender
- Grad Student to Full-Time Academic: A Transformation by: Sheldon Gaskell
- Why I Study-and Teach-Literature by: Zachary Dilbeck
- EGO/ΣΤΔ Conference Keynote: Dr. Kishonna Gray by: Matthew Kirkham
- The MLA Convention: The Journey of a First-Time Attendee by: Daniel Holst
- Dinner, Death, and Darkness: A Celebration of Edgar Allan Poe by: Courtney Bender
- From Simpkins Hall to Healthcare Waiting Rooms by: Abigail Tichler
- Bonnie Sonnek Retires by: David Banash
SITREP: Veterans Perspectives on Combat and Peace
Film Minor
Elements & Creative Writing Awards
Western Voices
- See archive of winners for the 2019 edition from papers submitted in 2018
Spring 2019 Events
- January 1,2,3, 2019: Film Festival Screening (Three Identical Strangers) (Rialto Cinemas, 2pm & 7pm)
- January 18, 2019: Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Roberta Di Carmine (University Art Gallery, 4-6pm)
- January 23, 2019: African American Literary Society (Simpkins 020, 2-3pm)
- January 28, 2019: Film Club Screening: Xmen (Simpkins 220, 5:30-7:30pm)
- February 4, 2019: Film Club Screening: Higher Learning (Simpkins 220, 5:30-7:30pm)
- February 6, 2019: African American Literary Society (Simpkins 020, 2-3pm)
- February 12, 2019: Book Club Informational Meeting (Simpkins 025, 6pm)
- February 15, 2019: Leland Essay Contest Deadline to Submit Online; Poster (electronically, 4:30pm)
- February 20, 2019: African American Literary Society (Simpkins 020, 2-3pm)
- February 21, 2019: Feminist Reading Group (Thursdays, Simpkins 025, 3:30pm)
- February 21, 2019: CAS Student Speaking Series (Morgan 101B, 7-8:30pm)
- February 23, 2019: Dinner and Conversations, Dr. Alisha White (Dr. White's Home, 5-8pm)
- February 25, 2019: Film Club Screening: The Lion King (Simpkins 220, 5:30-7:30pm)
- February 28, 2019: 6th Annual Writing Festival by Dept of English Education (Multicultural Center, 10am-2pm)
- March 4, 2019: Film Club Screening: Kiki Delivery Service (Simpkins 220, 5:30-7:30pm)
- March 4, 2019: Linda Hogan Women's History Keynote Speaker (Multicultural Center, 7pm)
- March 6, 2019: African American Literary Society (Simpkins 020, 2-3pm)
- March 20, 2019: Sigma Tau Delta Bake Sale (Simpkins West Entrance, 10am-3pm)
- March 20, 2019: African American Literary Society (Simpkins 020, 2-3pm)
- March 21, 2019: Sigma Tau Delta Bake Sale (Simpkins West Entrance, 10am-3pm)
- March 22, 2019: Elements Submissions Due (electronically, by 4pm)
- March 29, 2019: Creative Writing Awards Submissions Due (electronically, by 4pm)
- March 29, 2019: EGO Meeting (Simpkins Student Lounge, 1pm)
- March 30, 2019: SITREP Writing Workshop (Buchanan Center for the Arts, Monmouth, IL, 10-11:30am)
- April 1, 2019: Film Club Screening: Pet Sematary (Simpkins 220, 5:30-7:30pm)
- April 3, 2019: African American Literary Society (Simpkins 020, 2-3pm)
- April 12, 2019: Sigma Tau Delta's Speaker Paul Fyfe "From the Telegraph to the Internet: How Information Lost Its Body" (Craft Talk - Simpkins Computer Lab, 2-3pm; Presentation - Union Sandburg Theater, 7-8pm)
- April 17, 2019: African American Literary Society (Simpkins 020, 2-3pm)
- April 17, 2019: Undergraduate Research Day (University Union, 9am-4pm)
- April 17, 2019: Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Erika Wurth (University Art Gallery, 4-6pm)
- April 19, 2019: CAS Awards Event (University Union, 4pm)
- April 22, 2019: Magliocco Lecturer Koritha Mitchell "Homemade Citizenship: All But Inviting Injury" (Q&A - Multicultural Dance Studio, 2pm; Presentation - Morgan 109, 7pm)
- April 25, 2019: English Dept. Awards Ceremony (Lamoine Room, 6-8pm)
- April 26, 2019: YA Author Claire Hartfield Book Reading (WI Historical Museum, 4:30pm)
- April 27, 2019: SITREP Writing Workshop (Buchanan Center for the Arts, Monmouth, IL, 10-11:30am)
- April 29, 2019: Film Club Screening: Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure (Simpkins 220, 5:30-7:30pm)
- April 29, 2019: Sigma Tau Delta Induction Ceremony (Helwig's House, 5:30pm)
- April 30, 2019: Short Film Screening "Evanescent" by Film Minor Thaddeus Fifer (Simpkins 220, 5pm)
- May 1, 2019: African American Literary Society (Simpkins 020, 2-3pm)
- May 2, 2019: Case Writers' Q&A and Reading: Marianne Broyles, Peter Gizzi, and Natalia Sylvester (Q&A - Sherman Hall Auditorium, 3rd Floor, 3-4pm; Public Reading - Taylor Hall downtown next to Sullivan Taylor Wine Cellar ( 121 South Randolph Street), 5-7pm)
- May 20, 2019: SITREP Submissions Due (via email, by 4pm)
- June 12, 2019: Summer Film Series: "The Last of Sheila" (Sandburg Theater, 5:30pm)
- June 19, 2019: Summer Film Series: "L'Ecole Buissonneire" (Sandburg Theater, 5:30pm)
- June 26, 2019: Summer Film Series "A View from the Bridge" (Sandburg Theater, 5:30pm)
- July 3, 2019: Summer Film Series "Rambling Rose" (Sandburg Theater, 5:30pm)
- July 10, 2019: Summer Film Series "The Moderns " (Sandburg Theater, 5:30pm)
- July 17, 2019: Summer Film Series "A Slave of Love" (Sandburg Theater, 5:30pm)
- July 24, 2019: Summer Film Series "The White Horses of Summer" (Sandburg Theater, 5:30pm)
- July 31, 2019: Summer Film Series "The Pretender/The Glass Alibi" (Sandburg Theater, 5:30pm)
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