Simpkins Remodels Student Lounge
English faculty and students clean out the old loft full of hundreds of books in order to remodel the Student Lounge and new Sigma Tau Delta Office and Reading Room:
Before Pictures of Student Lounge:
Walls painted and shelves going up thanks to our skilled WIU carpenter, Bradley Utter, who graciously posed for us and without hesitation got back to work 2 weeks after breaking his rib during this project.
Getting books organized into genre and alphabetically within each genre so our students have a reading room! Think canonical British and American texts, Literature, Film Studies, Dictionaries, Thesauruses, oh my!
Our faculty have publications too! And this isn't even all of them! Check out our display case outside of Simpkins Hall 124.
And our archive of Magazines: Elements , SITREP: Veterans Perspectives on War and Peace , Mirror and the Lamp , and Western Voices are all shelved in Simpkins Hall 124!
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