Spring 2005 News Archive
*News article about EGO: English Grads Get a Big EGO
*News article about John Mahoney: Frazier's Dad, Western Grad Helps Next Generation Scholars (part 1, part 2)
5/8 through 5/13: Final Exams
Schedule from WIU Registrar
5/13, 5/14, & 5/15: Commencement
Dates, times, and other information
5/6: Elements submission deadline
Submissions for the Fall 2005 issue are due at 3:00pm in Simpkins 124.
5/6: Writing Faculty Party
Aurelio’s Pizza, 4:00pm.
5/5: Life Stories reading
Reading of biographies from ENG 481. Wesley Village, 1200 E. Grant, 9:30am.
5/2: Thesis Colloquium
University Writing Center, 4:30 pm.
4/30: Faculty/Graduate Student Party
Shazia Rahman’s house, 4:00 pm.
4/28: Ron Walker Retirement Commemoration
Alumni House, April 28, 5:30 pm.
4/27: Journalism Day
Keynote speaker: Chris Britt, editorial cartoonist for State Journal-Register (Springfield, IL) 2:00pm, Nauvoo Room, University Union. Reception to follow.
4/27: Faculty meeting
Agenda sent via email. 3:30pm, Simpkins 014.
4/26: EGO meeting
Elections and more. University Writing Center, 4:30pm.
4/25: Department Awards Night
Department scholarship winners and the Leland Essay Contest award winners were announced. University Writing Center, 7:00pm. Congratulations to the award winners.
4/21: Graduate Faculty Meeting
Simpkins 014, 3:30pm.
4/21: Creative Writing Award Ceremony
University Writing Center, 7:00pm.
4/20: NCTE Bake Sale
First floor of Simpkins, 10am-3pm.
4/18: Faculty Colloquium
“Critical Literacy: Acknowledging Angry Voices in the Classroom.” Bonnie Sonnek, University Writing Center, 4:00pm.
4/15: Mahoney Research Fellowship
Graduates are encouraged to apply. Deadline is 4/15 at 4:30 pm.
4/15: Creative Writing Festival
This year’s featured writer is Dave Bean, who will speak at 9:00am in the Grand Ballroom, University Union. Events run 8:15am to 1:45pm in the University Union.
4/13: Faculty meeting
Agenda sent via email. 3:30pm, Simpkins 014.
4/12: WAF presents Bruce Bendinger
Perspectives on the advertising job market. 5:30pm, Sandburg Lounge, University Union.
4/11: “Problematic Identities: Rachna Mara’s Of Customs and Excise”
Shazia Rahman, 3:30pm, Cardinal-Oak Room, University Union.
4/5: Faculty Meeting
Simpkins 014, 3:30pm. Agenda sent via email.
4/5: Discussion: Writing in the Profession
All graduate and undergraduate students are invited. University Writing Center, 4:30 pm.
4/5 & 4/6: NCTE Book Sale
Stop by the first floor of Simpkins, from 9 to 4, and buy a few books to support NCTE.
4/1 & 4/2: EGO conference
“Who is Responsible for the Village?”
4/1: Conger Writing Award Deadline
Graduate students are encouraged to submit essays. Deadline is 4/1 at 4:30 pm.
4/1: Bruner & Larner Writing Awards
Undergraduates are encouraged to submit essays, fiction, or poetry. Deadline is 4/1 at 4:00 pm.
3/30 and 3/31: Writing Faculty Brown Bags
Continuing our post-assessment discussions. 3/30 1:00pm, and 3/31 2:00pm in the faculty lounge.
3/30: NCTE
Full agenda, including speaker Mike Satore, Principal, Macomb HS. 4:00pm, Simpkins 114.
2005-6 Informational Meeting
Student lounge, 5:00pm.
3/29: Barbara Harroun, Case Writer-in-Residence
7:30pm, WIU Art Gallery.
3/28: Course Descriptions Detailed descriptions for Fall 2005 and Summer 2005 courses have been posted.
3/24: Curriculum review continues
All faculty welcome. Simpkins 014, 3:30.
3/23: Robin Hemley, Case Visiting Writer
7:30 pm, Sandburg Theatre, WIU Union.
3/23: Sigma Tau Delta New Members
4:30, Student Lounge.
3/7: Curriculum Review
Simpkins 014, 3:30. Literature & Language major.
3/1: Scholarship deadline
Applications for 2005-6 English & Journalism scholarships were due March 1. See advisor Ellen Poulter for more info.
3/1: English Graduate Organization
University Writing Center, 4:30.
2/22: Western Advertising Federation
WAF meets at 5:00 in the Union Board Room.
2/15: English Graduate Organization meets in the University Writing Center at 4:30 pm.
2/10: Public Relations Student Society of America meets in Simpkins 120 at 5:30.
2/8: Western Advertising Federation meets in the Union Board Room at 5:00.
2/1: English Graduate Organization meets in the University Writing Center at 5:00 pm.
1/25: WAF meets
Western Advertising Federation, Union Board Rm, 5:00pm.
1/25: EIS 303 May Program
English Ed students in TEP should attend: Horrabin 15, 12:30-1:30pm.
1/24: Leland Essay Contest Deadline
Essays were due in the English front office by 4:00 pm.
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