WIU had Annual Writing Festival for High School Students (Spring 2005)
April 15, 2005
Featured Writer: Dave Bean
See the 2005 Fiction Winners
News Release: Dave Bean will be the featured writer for Western Illinois University’s annual Creative Writing Festival for high school students Friday, April 15. Bean taught English for 14 years in both public and independent secondary schools. His fiction, nonfiction, reviews and poetry have been widely published and include commentaries that aired on National Public Radio's All Things Considered.
In addition to his writing, Bean is a skiing coach and is developing a skateboarding program at Gould Academy in Bethel, ME. He is also an advocate of programs protecting the mountains and rivers of New England.
Bean will give a reading from his works to festival participants and conduct a workshop for teachers.
The April 15 program will begin at 8:15 a.m. and conclude at 1:45 p.m. The registration fee, which includes lunch and materials, is $10 for students and free for teachers. There is a registration limit of 20 students per school. Registration for the event will close Tuesday, March 29.
Western’s department of English and Journalism, College of Arts and Sciences and Office of Non-Credit Programs are sponsoring the festival. For more information contact Western Illinois University Non-Credit Programs at 309/298-1911. A brochure is available at www.wiu.edu/NonCredit.
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