University News

Discovering World Through Science

May 18, 2011

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MACOMB, IL -- A new hands-on science program for high school sophomores and juniors will debut next month as part of Western Illinois University's summer youth programs.

"Discovering the World Through Science" will be held June 5-10 on the WIU-Macomb campus. The summer enrichment and career exploration program is designed for high school students who have an interest in the sciences, including biology, chemistry, geology, math, neuroscience, nursing and physics.

The week-long program begins with an exploration of geology and natural resources, followed by a hands-on investigation of the relationship between the brain and behavior. Other sessions include physics experiments centered on gravity and light and a field trip to WIU's Kibbe Field Laboratory in Warsaw to explore habitats and native plants. All sessions are led by WIU faculty and department chairs.

Participants must have completed their sophomore or junior year. Gifted status or minimum qualifying scores on standardized tests are not requirements; however, this summer enrichment experience is an advanced program. Students must be recommended by a science teacher or school administrator. Enrollment is limited to 18 students.

For more information or to register, contact Non-Credit Programs at (309) 298-1911 or toll-free (866) 933-8964. The registration fee is $449, which includes tuition, supplies, all scheduled activities, lodging and meals. The sciences program is residential only; a commuter option is not available.

The brochure and registration form may also be found at

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