University News

Tenure Approved for 22 Faculty

June 4, 2010

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MACOMB/MOLINE, IL -- Twenty-two Western Illinois University faculty members were granted tenure by the WIU Board of Trustees at the Board's June 4 meeting.

Tenure requests were submitted by President Al Goldfarb based on an extensive evaluation process at the department, college and University levels regarding the faculty member's teaching, research and service activities.

Faculty members granted tenure, effective August 2010, are: Brian Clark, libraries; Roberta Di Carmine, English and journalism; Richard Filipink, history; Michael Godard, kinesiology; Scott Hansen, marketing and finance; Hoyet Hemphill, instructional design and technology; Barton Jennings, marketing and finance; Mary Kay "Kitty" Karn, music; Kasing Man, information systems and decision sciences; Elgin Mannion, sociology and anthropology; Hal Marchand, health sciences; Bonny Mhlanga, law enforcement and justice administration; Julieta Mihai, music; Jill Myers, law enforcement and justice administration; Cynthia Piletic, kinesiology; Boris Petracovici, mathematics; Lia Petracovici, mathematics; Timothy Spier, biological sciences; Feridun Tasdan, mathematics; Thomas Sadler, economics; James West, instructional design and technology; and Janet Wigglesworth, kinesiology.

Posted By: Darcie Shinberger (
Office of University Communications & Marketing