University News

Former Fugitive to Speak on Ethics

February 17, 2010

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MACOMB, IL - - Nationally acclaimed speaker Patrick Kuhse, a former stockbroker who spent four years in prison, will deliver an "Ethics Insights" presentation, "Prominence to Prison: Why Smart People Do Dumb Things," sponsored by Western Illinois University's College of Business and Technology (CBT) at 2 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 23 in Currens Hall 203.

According to his web site, Kuhse "became an expert on ethics the hard way—by taking part in his own criminal acts and suffering the consequences."

Kuhse "…kept his clients in the dark about a number of important issues. The situation got worse when a friend offered Kuhse a position as the investment advisor for the multi-billion dollar investment portfolio of the state of Oklahoma. He accepted, and with his "greed goggles" on, illegally bumped up his commission."

According to the site, Kuhse spent four years on the lam in Costa Rica to avoid the FBI and the federal government, but eventually turned himself in. He now devotes himself to speaking to audiences worldwide about the importance of ethical behavior.

Kuhse will share an account of his quick descent from successful stockbroker to international fugitive and the ethical lessons he gained along the way, and how poor decisions put Kuhse in a position where he was facing multiple counts of felony conspiracy and money laundering.

One of the most in-demand speakers on business ethics and critical thinking skills in America today, Kuhse also serves as Ethics Fellow for the University of Florida and Suffolk University.

For more information, contact Schuyler Meixner, CBT director of communications and external relations, at (309) 298-2442 or


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