University News

Green Named Sustainability Coordinator

January 27, 2010

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MACOMB, IL – Sustainability efforts at Western Illinois University have grown in scope and importance over the past few years, and to further enhance the University's commitment to sustainability and the environment, a sustainability coordinator has been added to the roster.

Mandi Green, who will earn her master's degree in health education in May from Western, began her duties as sustainability coordinator Dec. 7.

"Having a full-time sustainability coordinator on staff, which was made possible due to the reallocation of an existing position, really pulls together all of the pieces of the puzzle. Various people in our department and throughout campus were handling different aspects of our sustainability efforts, so to have the work coordinated truly enhances our efforts," said Physical Plant Director Charles Darnell.

Prior to joining the Physical Plant staff, Green served for five years as assistant to the chair, office manager and administrator of Project Estrella in Western's educational and interdisciplinary studies department. She has also worked as a secretary in the department of kinesiology at Western.

"I am excited for the opportunity to tackle the challenges this position will provide," Green added. "Through energy and creative methods, I hope to raise awareness and educate campus on sustainability."

Before coming to Western, Green served as the program coordinator for StayWell Health Management at Caterpillar, Inc. for four years. In addition to administering health education programming for 200 Caterpillar employees, she was also responsible for the promotion of Caterpillar's new Recycling, Reducing and Reusing educational campaign for employees.

In her role as sustainability coordinator at Western, Green develops and implements initiatives involving energy, transportation, waste management, recycling, green purchasing and more, as well as prepares the required sustainability reports for the state of Illinois. Green will also work with student and other University groups to promote and raise awareness of Western's sustainability initiatives.

"I'm pleased that our Physical Plant staff was forward-thinking and saw the benefits of reallocating a vacant position to better serve the campus needs, while not spending additional personnel resources," noted Jackie Thompson, vice president of administrative services. "Mandi's work will greatly benefit the University by staying current with environmental stewardship and trends in higher education."

Green received her bachelor's degree in kinesiology from Illinois State University.

Posted By: Darcie Shinberger (
Office of University Communications & Marketing