University News

H1N1 Information

August 19, 2009

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Dear Campus Community:

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) recent predictions of a potential H1N1 flu outbreak this fall brings to mind our need to have preparations in place to help us maintain a safe and healthy campus environment at Western Illinois University.

Flu viruses are spread mainly from person-to-person through coughing or sneezing by people with influenza. Sometimes people may become infected by touching something with flu viruses on it and then touching their mouth or nose. To limit the spread of illnesses, including H1N1, people need to practice common sense, which includes proper handwashing. Use soap and water (or alcohol-based hand sanitizers when soap and water are not available), scrub and rinse for 20 seconds and
dry thoroughly.

Students with symptoms of influenza should delay coming to campus for fall move-in until 24 hours after fever subsides. Contact Student Development and Orientation immediately at (309) 298-1884 if you are unable to move-in this weekend or begin classes Aug. 24 due to influenza. As the semester progresses, it's essential to keep your health and well-being at the forefront. Eat right, get plenty of rest, and exercise as your schedule allows.

Be aware of the symptoms of both seasonal flu and the H1N1 virus. Seasonal flu symptoms develop quickly; include fever and a sore throat and/or coughing, body aches, chills, and headache. Reported H1N1 symptoms are similar to seasonal flu and may also include nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. The symptoms of the common cold are generally much milder than the flu, develop more slowly, and usually do not include a fever.

If you feel ill, please contact Beu Health Center at (309) 298-1888 prior to coming to the health center or your local health care provider. Consistent with CDC recommendations, if you have the flu, you should stay home until you are free of symptoms for 24 hours. Most importantly, avoid contact with others.

During the past few years the University has been involved in comprehensive emergency preparedness planning to cover a variety of situations, including a pandemic outbreak. Should a more serious outbreak of the flu occur on Western Illinois University's campuses, several precautionary measures may need to be implemented, including in the most extreme of circumstances, cancellation and/or closure. More information about Western Illinois University's Pandemic Preparedness and Response Plan can be found online at

We will provide updates via Western's homepage if there are new announcements related to the H1N1 virus or other illnesses. If you have questions or concerns regarding medical issues, please feel free to contact Beu Health Center at the number listed above.

Best wishes for a successful and healthy semester.

Mary Margaret Harris
Beu Health Center

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