University News

WIU Ag Department Renamed School of Agriculture

July 7, 2009

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MACOMB, IL -- Western Illinois University's department of agriculture has been renamed the School of Agriculture, effective July 1, according to College of Business and Technology (CBT) Dean Tom Erekson. Current agriculture department chair William Bailey is the school's director.

"The name change to School of Agriculture better reflects the professional nature of our program and differentiates Western's program from other programs in the state and remind our alumni that WIU values its agriculture unit," Erekson noted.

Western's School of Agriculture houses a range of ag-related disciplines, including business, technology, education, animal and soil science, horticulture, natural resources and urban forestry. The school also oversees more than 700 acres of farmland and several hundred head of beef, sheep and swine, and also shares its research efforts with the public through field days and livestock programs.

"Designating the agriculture department as the School of Agriculture more accurately reflects the breadth and complexity of our extensive programs," Bailey added.

Western's School of Agriculture continues as a unit within the College of Business and Technology. A new website, featuring a blog, a user-friendly photo gallery and in-depth information about agriculture programs at WIU, will be launched at In addition, as part of the School of Agriculture designation, an advisory board, comprised of local, state and national agriculture professionals, will be established to further advance the mission and programs of the school.

For more information about the School of Agriculture and its programs, call (309) 298-1080 or visit

Posted By: Darcie Shinberger (
Office of University Communications & Marketing