University News

Faculty History Lecture February 21

February 15, 2008

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MACOMB, IL - - The Thursday, Feb. 21 history faculty lecture at Western Illinois University will focus on Japanese-American relations in regard to Japanese women's education in the late 19th and early 20th century.

Febe Pamonag (fah BAY pah MOAN ag), WIU assistant professor of history, will present "'Where are the teachers who are to train and help the eager students?': Japanese-American Collaborations for Women's Higher Education, 1890s-1920s" at
5 p.m. Feb. 21 in Morgan Hall 304. Pamonag suggests the relations were more complex than they have been portrayed.

"My study reveals profoundly significant cross-cultural collaborations that, at times, were characterized by considerable tension over divergent notions of how and why women should be educated," Pamonag said.

The lecture is sponsored by Phi Alpha Theta and the Associated Students of History.

For more information, contact Lee Brice, associate professor of history, at 309/298-2982.

Posted By: Alisha Looney (
Office of University Communications & Marketing