University News

Ag Groups to Host Pancake Breakfast to Celebrate National FFA Week

February 14, 2008

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MACOMB, IL -- Western Illinois University agriculture student organizations will join forces with the national FFA organization to promote agriculture and the FFA during National FFA Week, which runs Saturday, Feb. 16 through Saturday, Feb. 23.

As part of the 2008 weeklong celebration, "Blue Jackets, Bright Futures," Western's Agriculture Education Club and National Collegiate FFA Chapter will host a pancake breakfast from 7-11 a.m. Wednesday, Feb. 20 in Knoblauch Hall 239 to raise funds for both organizations, as well as to provide the University and local community a chance to learn more about Western's agriculture department. The all-you-can-eat breakfast also includes sausage and beverages. Tickets, $5, may be purchased at the door or from the WIU agriculture department, Knoblauch Hall 145.

The National Collegiate FFA Chapter at Western serves high school agricultural programs in the state by promoting scholarship, leadership and service and provides prospective agriculture teachers and others interested in agriculture with experiences in leadership development. The chapter hosts state agriculture issues and job interview contests, as well as section and district public speaking, agricultural mechanics, horticulture contests and other professional activities with vocational agriculture instructors.

The WIU Agriculture Education Club, was established in 2007 to bring all agriculture education majors together to discuss issues relevant to their field and to provide professional development opportunities to its members.

"More than 25 percent of Illinois' civilian workforce is employed in the agriculture industry, and nearly 70 percent of this state's job growth is related to agriculture, so we really want to raise awareness of and appreciation for this industry," said Andy Baker, WIU agriculture professor and adviser to both the National Collegiate FFA and the Agriculture Education Club. "I encourage everyone to leave the cooking to the agriculture department students on Feb. 20. Come out to Knoblauch, have a good hot breakfast and meet our students."

For more information, contact Baker at 309/298-1246 or the agriculture department at 309/298-1080.

Posted By: Darcie Shinberger (
Office of University Communications & Marketing