University News

SCIMA Chapter Named Outstanding Chapter

May 8, 2007

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MACOMB, IL -- Western Illinois University's Student Chapter of the Institute of Management Accountants (SCIMA) has been named one of the four outstanding student chapters in the nation by the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA) in the prestigious Award of Excellence student competition.

The IMA judged the student chapter on its incorporation of the IMA's mission and vision statements into the chapter's strategic plan and activities and the chapter's use of innovative methods to serve its students and the IMA.

According to Amy Ford, WIU accountancy instructor, Western's chapter submitted a portfolio of activities for the past year including newsletters, information on its educational and professional meetings, plant tours, community services, website information and participation in the student manuscript competition.

SCIMA President James Kveton, a senior from Sandwich (IL), and President-Elect Sean Sutton, a junior from Shoreview (MN), will accept the award at the 88th Annual IMA Conference and Exposition in Phoenix (AZ) in June.

Aaron Becker, a junior from West Chicago (IL), will also be recognized at the conference as a winner of one of the IMA scholarships in the national scholarship competition, Ford added.

Western's chapter also received the 2005-2006 Award of Excellence, and WIU's team was one of four teams to place in the national finals of the IMA Student Case Competition last year.

Posted By: Darcie Shinberger (
Office of University Communications & Marketing