University News

Psychology Colloquium on Depression in Nursing Homes

October 5, 2005

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MACOMB, IL - - Western Illinois University’s psychology department will host a colloquium by professor Suzanne Meeks of the department of psychological and brain sciences at University of Louisville. Meeks will present “A Behavioral Intervention for Depression in Nursing Homes: Results From a Treatment Development and Pilot Feasibility Study” at 3 p.m. Friday, Oct. 21 in Waggoner Hall 054.

MeeksÂ’ interests lie in three areas of clinical gerontology: lifespan change and adjustment in severe mental illness; phenomenology, identification and treatment of depression and anxiety in late life; and coping and adaptational strategies of older persons, particularly with regard to health and mental health.

Her current research efforts include a three-year pilot study funded by the National Institute of Mental Health to develop a behavioral treatment for depression among nursing home residents.

This colloquium, open free to the public, is the third of five hosted by WesternÂ’s psychology department this fall. For more information, including future topics and dates, visit the psychology department website.

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