University News

Psychology Colloquium Series: “The Female Advantage,” September 16

September 7, 2005

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MACOMB, IL - - Western Illinois University’s psychology department will host a colloquium by Professor Alice Eagly of Northwestern University at 3 p.m. Friday, Sept. 16 in Waggoner Hall 054 on “The Female Leadership Advantage: An Evaluation of the Evidence.”

She has published widely on the psychology of attitudes, especially attitude change, attitude structure and the study of gender. Eagly is the author of “Sex Differences in Social Behavior: A Social Role Interpretation” and co-author of “The Psychology of Attitudes.” She has also written numerous journal articles and chapters in her research specialties.

Eagly received her Ph.D. from the University of Michigan (1965). She has taught at Michigan State University, University of Massachusetts at Amherst and Purdue University. She served as president of the Midwestern Psychological Association, president of the Society of Personality and Social Psychology, chair of the Board of Scientific Affairs of the American Psychological Association and chair of the Executive Committee of the Society of Experimental Social Psychology.

She has received several awards including the Carolyn Wood Sherif Award for contributions to the psychology of women as scholar, mentor, teacher and leader; the Donald Campbell Award for Distinguished Contribution to Social Psychology; the Distinguished Scientist Award of the Society of Experimental Social Psychology; and a citation as Distinguished Leader for Women in Psychology.

WesternÂ’s psychology department will host four additional colloquiums throughout the fall semester on subjects such as criminal stereotypes, behavioral intervention for depression in nursing homes, quality of life on military bases and the perception of risk when drinking and driving. For more information visit the psychology department website.

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