University News

Energy, the Environment and Oil Topic of May 4 Presentation in Macomb

April 29, 2005

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MACOMB, IL - - The Environmentally Concerned Citizens organization will host a presentation on “Energy and the Environment – The Oil Connection” open free to the public at 7 p.m. Wednesday, May 4 in the Macomb City Hall Community Room.

David Soule, a Western Illinois University emeritus physics professor and a researcher of alternate energy resources, will discuss the current environmental and political impacts of the energy economy in the U.S. and abroad. His presentation will include an emphasis on oil.

‘Oil is our largest energy source (40%) and a major pollutant affecting global warming, acid rain and air pollution,” Soule said. “Transitions are being made from this fossil fuel, an exhaustible resource, to renewable energies such as solar, wind, biomass and geothermal that are both sustainable and environmentally benign.”

Soule will discuss applications such as solar for home heating and electricity, wind for power generation, biomass for transportation fuel and geothermal for heating, which have been growing in many areas of the world.

Soule, who has been driving a hybrid car for four years, was among the first in the area to install solar panels on his home. He also rides a solar energy-assisted motorized bicycle.

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