University News

Local Student Series: Claire Vigezzi

March 26, 2024

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MACOMB, IL - - You don't have to leave to go far! Through the experiences of our local Western Illinois University students, we want to highlight the many opportunities that await you in this special series. Close to home, WIU can show you the world as you pursue your academic journey and future career.

Meet Claire Vigezzi, a sophomore Psychology major who originally came to WIU to seek dual credit opportunities and get a head start on her college education.

A Perfect Fit
Vigezzi shared how after choosing Western for dual credit, she knew it was the right fit for her. She knew majoring in Psychology was the program she wanted to pursue after speaking with department faculty and learning about the many opportunities she would have in the department.

Get Involved
Vigezzi noted the amazing experience she has had through her involvement in several University organizations and the connections she has made with both her peers and faculty that have helped shape her to become the student she is.
WIU Prepares You For Success

After entering college, Vigezzi didn't have a clue what career path she wanted to take after graduating. She knew her interests but was unsure of how to align them with a career that she would enjoy. Throughout her time at WIU, she notes how much she has learned and the possibilities she has been given. Her professors have helped to point her in a direction that aligns with her interests. She now has found a career path that she would like to pursue and with the help of professors and other university resources, she has been better able to prepare to attend graduate school and enter the workforce.

Why is WIU For You? Advice.
Vigezzi advises students to take advantage of the amazing opportunities Western has to offer. She notes the University's many great resources and opportunities to help students to succeed.

"Throughout my time at WIU, I feel as though I have become a part of a community of many individuals all working to grow and improve together," Vigezzi said.

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