University News

Entertaining Physics Demonstrations March 25

March 14, 2003

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MACOMB, IL - - A fluorescent pickle and a garbage bag mummy are among this year's fun-packed demonstrations to be presented by the Western Illinois University physics department Tuesday, March 25.

The educationally entertaining evening of "More of Our Favorite Things," open free to the public, is scheduled for 7 p.m. in Currens Hall 205.

You say it can't be done? Watch and cringe as a nail is driven through wood with bare hands; wonder at a pencil that passes through plywood, thrill at the sight of the fire vortex; and see with your own eyes sound waves break a wine glass.

As a warmup to this year's demonstrations, the physics department invites all interested persons to participate in a paper sailboat race from 6 - 6:30 p.m. in Currents 205. Boats will placed at one end of a 4-inch wide gutter that is partially filled with water and propelled to the other end of the gutter by a large fan. The boat that finishes first, wins.

Boats may be constructed using only paper, cardboard and tape. One entry is allowed per person.

For more information about the paper sailboat race and the physics demonstrations, contact the WIU physics department at 309-298-1596.

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