University News

CBT Celebration of Leadership & Engagement April 11

April 4, 2017

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MACOMB, IL -- For 50 years, the Western Illinois University College of Business and Technology (CBT) has prepared our students by providing the skills necessary to contribute and thrive in the ever-changing business environment. Throughout those 50 years, more than 27,000 College of Business and Technology graduates have learned to apply these skills in all sectors of business and industry.

On Tuesday, April 11, the CBT will host the 50th Anniversary Celebration of Leadership and Engagement. Three special events have been created to motivate, engage and energize CBT students, faculty and industry partners, according to Craig Conrad, Department of Marketing and Management chair and co-coordinator of the April 11 event.

The NextGen Leadership Conference will be held from 8:30-11 a.m. April 11, with high-performing high school juniors and community college transfer students from throughout the state participating. College of Business and Technology students will also participate.

"Fostering excellence through innovative and technology-focused programs allows us to offer an array of learning opportunities for our students and future students as well," Conrad said.

From noon-1:30 p.m., a corporate partner and scholarship luncheon will be held, featuring the day's keynote speaker, Jeffrey Hayzlett.

Hayzlett, a best-selling author ["Running the Gauntlet" and "Think Big, Act Bigger: The Rewards of Being Relentless"] and global business celebrity, will present his keynote address "Think Big, Act Bigger" from 2:30-3:30 p.m. in the University Union Grand Ballroom. The presentation is open free to the public.

Hayzlett has served as the Chief Marketing Officer of Eastman Kodak, Inc., and is regularly consulted by Forbes, SUCCESS and Chief Executive. He is the host of C-Suite, and is a regular contributor to Fox Business.

For more information, contact the CBT Dean's Office at (309) 298-2442 or email

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