University News

Western Illinois University students (L to R) Rachel Eaton (Yorkville, IL), Kyle Sealey (Lisle, IL) and Sara Devine (Springfield, IL), who are employed in University Libraries, were recently selected as 2016-17 William H. and Eva Little Graham Libraries' Student Assistant Scholarship recipients. The $500 scholarship awards are applied to the students' tuition.
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WIU Libraries' Student Employees Selected to Receive Graham Scholarship Awards

November 30, 2016

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MACOMB, IL — Western Illinois University students Rachel Eaton (Yorkville, IL), Kyle Sealey (Lisle, IL) and Sara Devine (Springfield, IL), who are employed in University Libraries, were recently selected as the 2016-17 William H. and Eva Little Graham University Libraries' Student Assistant Scholarship recipients. The $500 scholarship awards are applied to the students' tuition.

The scholarship was established through a bequest from Louis and Maxine Haertle. Haertle was a generous donor to University Libraries and contributed money for the purchase of books and artwork dedicated to the memory of his wife, Maxine Graham Haertle. The scholarship is named for Maxine's parents, William H. and Eva Little Graham.

According to Outreach Librarian Christina Norton, the student employees' supervisors nominated them. The scholarship is awarded to students who have demonstrated excellence in the performance of their work assignments.

Sealey, a junior history education major who will study German history for two weeks in the Bavarian Alps next summer, said the award will make his study abroad program more affordable.

Eaton, who is also a junior history education major, works in the digitization unit of WIU Libraries, which makes available online pre-Internet issues of the Western Courier and other publications from throughout Western's history.

"I'm grateful to be able to continue my education and to work in a department so related to history," she said.

Devine, a sophomore music education major who is enrolled for 21 credit hours this semester, noted she appreciates the financial assistance the scholarship award provides.

"It's nice to have this help, as things get expensive with so many classes," she added.

All three students received glowing nomination letters from their supervisors, Norton said. Senior Library Specialist Greg Phelps nominated Sealey, Library Specialist Julia Thompson nominated Eaton and Library Specialist Heather Piper nominated Devine.

"We are truly pleased to give these three students this scholarship. They are great representatives of the high caliber of library student workers," added Dean of University Libraries Michael Lorenzen.

For more information about the Graham Scholarship visit or contact the University Libraries' administrative office at (309) 298-2762.

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