University News

Ramirez Helps Develop Women in Business Organization at WIU

October 19, 2016

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MACOMB, IL - Rachel Ramirez, a junior marketing major from Wauconda, IL, has an interesting collegiate path. She decided to leave Western Illinois University as a sophomore to explore opportunities at Loyola University in Chicago, IL.

Ramirez said she loved the different aspects of city life, but missed the hometown feeling that she had grown to love during her previous time at Western.

"I was excited to experience an urban university, but quickly realized that I had lost some of the one-on-one experience you get on campus and in the classroom at WIU," Ramirez explained.

One part of being at Loyola University that Ramirez immersed herself in was the Women in Business organization.

"I feel it is important as women to recognize the struggles we experience in the workplace and strive towards closing that gender gap. I believe being apart of a Women in Business organization allows for the empowerment of women to be successful in their careers and beyond," Ramirez stated.

Ramirez ultimately decided to return to WIU after one semester at Loyola. When recalling the two institutions Ramirez said, "I loved having a new experience at Loyola in the city and being closer to my hometown, but truly missed the experiences I had at WIU. The feeling of having closer relationships with my peers and mentors was not something I could find elsewhere."

Upon returning for the second semester of her sophomore year, Ramirez felt strongly about bringing what she had experienced in Women in Business at Loyola to the WIU campus. She began to meet with professors from the WIU College of Business and Technology to gauge interest in starting this type of organization at Western.

With the help of several professors and the WIU Office of Student Activities, Ramirez was able to meet guidelines, write by-laws, and recruit eight women to establish Women in Business as an official organization on WIU's campus.

"I began to create a social media presence for the group, so that students who were interested could see when we meet and get involved," Ramirez said.

Since starting last semester, Women in Business now has approximately 24 members and they are not stopping there. Ramirez said she is continuously trying to recruit more women to check out her organization through promoting upcoming guest speakers and fundraisers.

"We are in the works of getting a representative from Wells Fargo to speak to our group on career experience and advice," Ramirez explained.

Along with these activities, Ramirez also feels it is important that students know why a Women in Business organization is an asset to a college campus. She said an organization has the ability to be a forum for discussion on stereotypes against women in professional settings, and teach how to break these barriers in order to produce strong women leaders.

The Women in Business organization meet every second and fourth week of the month in the student lounge of Stipes Hall.

For more information on how to get involved, contact Ramirez at

Posted By: Jade Tieman (
Office of University Communications & Marketing