University News

WIU Study Abroad to visit Africa

May 1, 2002

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MACOMB, IL -- Western Illinois UniversityÂ’s Study Abroad program is planning an educational trip to Ghana, Togo and the Ivory Coast in Africa May 13-27, 2003. A campus seminar following the trip will be held Sunday, June 1, 2003.

The trip will include seminars, tutorials and workshops at many cites, encompassing Abidjan, Yamoussoukro, Elmina, Cape Coast, Kakum, Ahwiaa, Ntonson, Bonwire, Accra, Lome and Togoville.

Students will also tour slave routes, castles, historical museums and monuments and visit traditional markets, such as Denkyira Kingdom and Posuban Shrine. There will be lectures at the University of Accra and high schools will be visited.

To participate in the trip, students must enroll for six semester hours in any of the following courses: African American Studies 361, Study Tour; Communication 418, Independent Research in Communication; French 361, Field Study Travel; or History 379, Travels in History.

The Study Abroad trip to Africa is sponsored by the WIU School of Extended and Continuing Education, College of Arts and Sciences and College of Fine Arts and Communication.

For more information contact Abdul-Rasheed NaÂ’Allah, African American Studies, 309/298-1289 or email,; or Catherine Moore, foreign languages and literature, 309/298-1559 or email,

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